首页> 外文期刊>Tobacco Induced Diseases >The effectiveness of the smoking cessation telephone quitline service in Clalit Health Services, Israel

The effectiveness of the smoking cessation telephone quitline service in Clalit Health Services, Israel

机译:以色列Clalit Health Services戒烟电话戒烟热线服务的有效性



Background and challenges to implementation: Smoking cessation workshops were added to the Israel Basket of Health Services in 2010, however a quitline service wasn′t included. In 2013 Clalit Health Services established a pilot project testing a proactive counseling quitline. The service includes six individual counseling provided by cessation counselors, offered in five languages, tailored and cultural adapted. The service is free of charge, participants are given instructions about cessation medication and a tool kit is send by mail. Intervention or response: Goals: To evaluate the effectiveness of the program, in terms of smoking cessation and maintenance; understand the barriers to smoking cessation and the reasons for dropping out before the end of the process; understand the factors that drive success for improvement and adaptation of the quitline, according to a needs assessment. Methods: Telephone interviews were conducted among 400 participants who received counseling, using a structured questionnaire, one year following counseling. Results and lessons learnt: Counseling was provided mainly in Hebrew (75%), Russian and Arabic. Of the participants who completed the counseling- 77.7% quit smoking and with a one-year continuous abstinence rate of 39.2%. A significant correlation was found between the duration of participation in telephone counseling and the rate of smoking following one year (p Conclusions and key recommendations: This service provides an effective method for cessation and complements the workshops. The results suggest the need to examine reasons for dropout and relapse prevention, such as adding periodical support. In addition, special populations were identified as in need of more intensive support. It′s important to include quitline in the Israel basket of health services.
机译:实施的背景和挑战:2010年,以色列卫生服务篮子增加了戒烟讲习班,但不包括戒烟热线服务。 2013年,Clalit Health Services建立了一个试点项目,测试主动咨询戒烟热线。该服务包括由戒烟咨询员提供的六项个人咨询,以五种语言提供,这些咨询是量身定制的,并根据文化而定。该服务是免费的,向参与者提供有关戒烟药物的说明,并通过邮件发送工具箱。干预或回应:目标:从戒烟和维持吸烟的角度评估该计划的有效性;在戒烟过程结束前了解戒烟的障碍以及戒烟的原因;根据需求评估,了解推动成功改善戒烟热线的因素。方法:咨询后一年,对400名接受咨询的参与者进行了电话访谈,使用结构化问卷。结果和经验教训:辅导主要以希伯来语(75%),俄语和阿拉伯语提供。在完成咨询的参与者中,有77.7%的人戒了烟,并且一年连续戒烟率为39.2%。发现参与电话咨询的持续时间与一年后的吸烟率之间存在显着相关性(p结论和主要建议:该服务提供了一种有效的戒烟方法,是对讲习班的补充。结果表明,有必要检查导致吸烟的原因预防辍学和复发,例如增加定期支持;此外,还确定了需要特殊支持的特殊人群,将戒烟热线纳入以色列的一揽子医疗服务非常重要。



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