首页> 外文期刊>The Open Hypertension Journal >Overestimation of Mean Heart Rate by the Arithmetic Average of Beat-By-Beat Sampled Heart Rate Values

Overestimation of Mean Heart Rate by the Arithmetic Average of Beat-By-Beat Sampled Heart Rate Values




The arithmetic average of beat-by-beat sampled heart rate (HR) values overestimates true HR defined asnumber of heart beats per time unit. The aims of this study were to (1) estimate the magnitude of overestimation; (2)illustrate the significance of this issue using data from patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) and control subjects;and (3) outline approaches to correctly calculate mean HR.Linear regression analysis of computer-generated time series, representing beat-by-beat HR values in humans, rats, andmice, revealed that the difference between the arithmetic average of beat-by-beat sampled HR values and the true meanHR (error ε) can be approximated by the variance (σ2) divided by the arithmetic average (μ) of the beat-by-beat HR values(ε = σ2/μ).True mean HR was higher in patients with CHF (92.9±4.3 bpm) than in control subjects (82.6±2.1 bpm, P=0.045).However, if mean HR was calculated as arithmetic average of the beat-by-beat HR values the difference in mean HR wasno longer significant (93.4±4.4 bpm in CHF vs. 83.8±2.1 bpm in controls, P=0.059).In conclusion, the arithmetic average of beat-by-beat sampled HR values overestimates true HR by approximately theratio of σ2 to μ of the beat-by-beat HR values. Thus, the error (ε) is largest in subjects with high HR variability and lowaverage HR and may affect interpretation of mean HR values in studies investigating populations of subjects withdiffering HR variability, such as CHF patients vs. healthy subject or old vs. young subjects.
机译:逐次采样的心率(HR)值的算术平均值高估了定义为每时间单位的心跳数的真实HR。本研究的目的是(1)估计高估的幅度; (2)使用充血性心力衰竭(CHF)患者和对照受试者的数据说明此问题的重要性;(3)概述正确计算平均HR的方法。计算机生成的时间序列的线性回归分析,代表心跳人,大鼠和小鼠的心跳HR值表明,逐心跳采样HR值的算术平均值与真实平均HR(误差ε)之间的差可以通过方差(σ2)除以算术平均值来近似心律失常HR值的(μ)(ε=σ2/μ)。CHF患者的真实平均HR(92.9±4.3 bpm)高于对照组(82.6±2.1 bpm,P = 0.045)。但是,如果将平均HR计算为逐次HR值的算术平均值,则平均HR的差异将不再显着(CHF为93.4±4.4 bpm,而对照组为83.8±2.1 bpm,P = 0.059)。 ,逐次采样的HR值的算术平均值通过将bea的σ2与μ近似成比例来高估了真实HR逐拍HR值。因此,误差(ε)在高HR变异性和低平均HR的受试者中最大,并且可能会影响研究HR变异性不同的受试者群体(例如CHF患者与健康受试者或老年与年轻受试者)的研究中平均HR值的解释。 。



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