首页> 外文期刊>The Internet Journal of Microbiology >Studies on Antimicrobial Activity and Characteristics of Bacteriocins Produced by Lactobacillus strains Isolated from Milk of Domestic Animals

Studies on Antimicrobial Activity and Characteristics of Bacteriocins Produced by Lactobacillus strains Isolated from Milk of Domestic Animals




Lactobacilli strains were isolated from the milk of domestic animals for potential probiotic. A total of 120 milk samples (40 each from buffalo, cow and goat) were analyzed and 110 Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) were identified, out of these 43 were identified as probiotics, (L. acidophilus, L. bulgaricus, L. plantarum, L. lactis and L. rhamnosus). Out of these, 11 isolates were potential probiotics, which includes L. plantarum (C1, C4, C7, G7, G8 and B14) and L. rhamnosus (B13, C5, G4, G10 and G18). Their bacteriocins showed a broad inhibitory spectrum against the indicator organisms tested. The bacteriocins produced by L. plantarum (C4, G7) and L. rhamnosus (G18) showed prominent antimicrobial activity, resistance to heat at 1210C and tolerate acidic pH 3 but sensitive to pH 9 indication strong probiotic potential. These isolated LABS, exhibiting excellent probiotic characteristics, can be use in the protection and improvement of intestinal microbial flora and contribute health benefits to consumers. Introduction Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) widely distributed in the nature and occurring indigenous microflora in raw milk that play an important role in many food and feed fermentations with increased shelf life. Within the LAB group, the genus Lactobacillus is the most widely encountered for probiotics because they display numerous antimicrobial activities. This is mainly due to the production of antimicrobial metabolites including organic acids, hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocins. Among these, bacteriocins have gained increasing interest. Bacteriocins, as defined by Ogunbanwo et al, (2003) are proteinaceous compounds produced by bacteria that exhibit a bactericidal mode of action against related as well as unrelated organisms. Bacteriocin generally exert their antimicrobial action by interfering with the cell wall or the membrane of target organisms, either by inhibiting cell wall biosynthesis or causing pore formation, subsequently resulting in death (Sullivan et al, 2002). The bacteriocin from food grade LAB appear to qualify as ideal food biopreservative primarily because they have proven non-toxic to humans, do not alter the nutritional properties, effective at low concentration, active under refrigerated storage and can be used even in the preservation of foods by the use of bacteriocin produced by LAB. Bacteriocins produced by LAB have been the focus of many investigations because of their particular importance in the dairy industry. Several bacteriocins with industrial potential have been purified and characterized. The highly promising results of these studies underline the important role that functional, bacteriocinogenic LAB strains may play in the food industry as starter cultures, co-cultures, or bioprotective cultures, to improve food quality and safety (De vuyst and Leroy, 2007). Many LAB produce proteinaceous antimicrobial bacteriocins, some of which could provide valuable alternatives to traditional therapeutic antibiotics for the treatment of infectious diseases (Ryan et al, 1989). Bacteriocins are inhibitory towards sensitive strains and are produced by both Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria (Kacem et al, 2005). Bacteriocins have attracted a great interest in food industry due to their application potentiality in food preservation. It is relatively hydrophobic and heat stable (Klaenhammer, 1993). The purpose of this work was to isolate potential probiotic Lactobacillus strains and determined the characterization and antimicrobial activity of bacteriocins. Materials and Methods Isolation and identification of Lactobacillus species: A total of 120 milk samples (40 each from cow, goat and buffalo) were randomly collected in sterilized glass bottles. Milk was serially diluted to 10-5_10-6 using sterile distilled water and 0.1mL plated on to sterile de-Mann, Rogosa and Sharpe (MRS) agar. The MRS plates were maintained in microaerophilic condition and incubated at 37°C for 48h. After incubation well-isolated typi
机译:从家畜的牛奶中分离出乳酸杆菌菌株,以寻找潜在的益生菌。总共分析了120个牛奶样品(分别来自水牛,牛和山羊的40个),鉴定出110个乳酸菌(LAB),其中43个被鉴定为益生菌(嗜酸乳杆菌,保加利亚乳杆菌,植物乳杆菌)。 ,乳酸乳球菌和鼠李糖乳杆菌)。在这些菌株中,有11种是潜在的益生菌,其中包括植物乳杆菌(C1,C4,C7,G7,G8和B14)和鼠李糖乳杆菌(B13,C5,G4,G10和G18)。它们的细菌素对测试的指示生物显示出广泛的抑制谱。植物乳杆菌(C4,G7)和鼠李糖乳杆菌(G18)产生的细菌素显示出显着的抗菌活性,在1210°C时具有耐热性,可耐受酸性pH 3,但对pH 9敏感,表明具有强大的益生菌潜力。这些分离的LABS具有优异的益生菌特性,可用于保护和改善肠道微生物菌群,并为消费者带来健康益处。引言乳酸菌(LAB)广泛分布于自然和生乳中的原生微生物区系中,它们在许多食品和饲料发酵中起着重要作用,并延长了保质期。在乳酸菌组中,乳酸菌属是益生菌中使用最广泛的,因为它们显示出多种抗菌活性。这主要是由于产生了包括有机酸,过氧化氢和细菌素在内的抗微生物代谢产物。其中,细菌素已引起越来越多的关注。如Ogunbanwo等人(2003)所定义,细菌素是由细菌产生的蛋白质化合物,其表现出针对相关生物和无关生物的杀菌作用模式。细菌素通常通过抑制细胞壁的生物合成或引起孔形成而干扰靶生物的细胞壁或膜,从而发挥其抗菌作用(Sullivan等,2002)。食品级LAB的细菌素似乎被认为是理想的食品生物防腐剂,主要是因为它们已证明对人类无毒,不改变营养特性,低浓度有效,在冷藏条件下有效,甚至可用于食品保鲜。通过使用LAB生产的细菌素。由于LAB生产的细菌素在乳制品行业中特别重要,因此一直是许多研究的重点。几种具有工业潜力的细菌素已被纯化和鉴定。这些研究极有希望的结果强调了功能性,致细菌性乳酸菌菌株在食品工业中可以作为发酵剂,共培养物或生物保护性培养物发挥重要作用,以提高食品质量和安全性(De vuyst and Leroy,2007)。许多乳酸菌生产蛋白质类抗菌素,其中一些可以为治疗感染性疾病的传统治疗性抗生素提供有价值的替代品(Ryan等,1989)。细菌素对敏感菌株具有抑制作用,并且由革兰氏阳性和革兰氏阴性细菌共同产生(Kacem等,2005)。细菌素由于其在食品保存中的应用潜力而引起了食品工业的极大兴趣。它相对疏水且热稳定(Klaenhammer,1993)。这项工作的目的是分离潜在的益生菌乳杆菌菌株,并确定细菌素的特性和抗菌活性。材料和方法乳杆菌属细菌的分离和鉴定:在无菌玻璃瓶中随机收集120份牛奶样品(牛,山羊和水牛分别40份)。使用无菌蒸馏水将牛奶连续稀释至10-5_10-6,然后将0.1mL平板接种到无菌de-Mann,Rogosa和Sharpe(MRS)琼脂上。将MRS板保持在微需氧条件下,并在37℃下孵育48小时。孵育后隔离良好的打字



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