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Traumatic Hemi Facial Soft Tissue Amputation. Immediate Surgical Flap Reconstruction




Large soft tissue defects of the face present a challenging reconstructive problem to the surgeon. Optimal treatment of facial soft tissue injury includes definitive reconstruction of the main aesthetic units of the face. The author presents a case of immediate soft tissue flap reconstruction of the face following a car accident. The accident resulted in significant loss of the left soft facial structures with exposed facial bone i.e. hemi facial soft tissue amputation. Immediate soft tissue reconstruction was performed utilizing a rotation cervico pectoral flap to cover the lower half of the face and transposition of a temporoparietal scalp flap to cover the upper half. Surgical case and post operative aesthetic results are being presented in this case report. Presented as a Scientific Poster at the 2002 ASPS/PSEF/ASMS Annual Scientific Meeting in San Antonio, November 2-6 Introduction The principles of immediate reconstruction of facial soft tissue defects following tumor excision, trauma are well documented in the literature (1,2,3,4,5). Aesthetic facial reconstruction requires adequate understanding of the face regional anatomy and the dynamics of tissue movement and the ability to use innovatively the tissue adjacent to the defect to create a reconstruction that preserves the function of the area and the cosmetic facial units.The temporoparietal scalp flap is a useful source of tissue for correcting aesthetic units of the face (6,7,8,9,10,11,12). The quality of the tissue may be enhanced, and a successful color and texture match may be achieved. The donor scar is hidden under the hair-bearing area. The cervicopectoral flap has the same characteristics as facial tissue, consisting of thin, pliable tissue with a perfect color match (13). Cervicopectoral rotation flaps provide a straightforward, reliable, and efficient means to reconstruct complex defects of the face, lateral skull base, and neck, with the potential for excellent cosmetic results. The pedicle of the flap is quite reliable and enables a wide range of applicability Case / Surgical Procedure The patient is 34 male pedestrian, while walking and crossing the highway a high speed car hit him. He fell down on his left facial side and lost his consciousness. Immediately he was taken to the hospital and intubated in the emergency room. On examination, there was major soft tissue loss of the left facial structures extending from the left forehead and temporoparietal region. The left temporalis muscle was avulsed with exposed temporal bone. The outer third of the eyebrow was also avulsed. The zygomatic body was exposed with fracture of the arch. The avulsed soft tissue extends downwards into the cheek to include branches of the facial nerve, anterior part of the parotid gland. There were multiple sites of exposure of the mandible ramus and body (Fig-1).
机译:面部大的软组织缺损给外科医生带来了挑战性的重建问题。面部软组织损伤的最佳治疗包括对面部主要美学单位的确定性重建。作者介绍了发生车祸后立即重建面部软组织皮瓣的情况。事故导致裸露的面部骨骼(即半截面部软组织截肢)严重破坏了左软面部结构。立即进行软组织重建,利用旋转的颈胸瓣覆盖面部的下半部,并放置颞顶头皮瓣以覆盖上半部。该病例报告中介绍了手术病例和术后美学效果。在11月2日至6日于圣安东尼奥举行的2002 ASPS / PSEF / ASMS年度科学会议上作为科学海报展示引言肿瘤切除,创伤后立即修复面部软组织缺损的原理在文献中已有详细记录(1,2 ,3,4,5)。美观的面部重建需要充分了解面部区域解剖结构和组织运动的动态,并具有创新性地使用缺损附近组织来创建保留该区域和美容面部单元功能的重建的能力。是纠正面部美学单位(6,7,8,9,10,11,12)的有用组织来源。可以提高组织的质量,并且可以实现成功的颜色和纹理匹配。供体疤痕隐藏在毛发区域下方。颈op瓣具有与面部组织相同的特征,该组织由薄而柔软的组织组成,具有完美的色彩匹配(13)。颈op旋转皮瓣提供了一种简单,可靠和有效的方法来重建面部,外侧颅骨基部和颈部的复杂缺陷,并具有取得出色美容效果的潜力。皮瓣的蒂非常可靠,具有广泛的适用性。案例/手术过程该患者是34岁的男性行人,在步行和越过高速公路时,一辆高速汽车撞到了他。他跌倒在左脸,失去了知觉。他立即被送往医院,并在急诊室插管。检查时,从左前额和颞顶区域延伸出的左面部结构主要是软组织丢失。左侧颞肌被颞骨裸露撕脱。眉外三分之一也被撕开。 zy骨暴露,足弓断裂。撕脱的软组织向下延伸到脸颊,以包括面神经的分支,腮腺的前部。下颌骨和身体有多个暴露部位(图1)。



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