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Prevalence and determinants of physical activity and lifestyle in relation to obesity among schoolchildren in Israel




ObjectiveTo describe the relationships between physical activity, lifestyle determinants and obesity in adolescent Israeli schoolchildren.Design and settingCross-sectional survey.SubjectsThe MABAT Youth Survey was a nationally representative, school-based study of youth in grades 7 to 12 (ages 11a€“19 years).MethodsSelf-administered questionnaires assessed health behaviours and anthropometric indices were measured. Logistic regression analysis was used to examine the associations between obesity, physical activity, socio-economic status and other lifestyle habits. One-way ANOVA was used to determine mean physical activity levels (MET values) by BMI categories.ResultsThe prevalence of overweight was 13a€“15 % and of obesity 4a€“9 % depending on gender and ethnicity, and was higher among the non-Jewish sectors. Thirty-six per cent and 57 % of Jewish girls and boys, and 40 % and 58 % of non-Jewish girls and boys, respectively, were optimally active. Boys from low socio-economic schools and those who slept for less than 6 h at night were less active. Girls from middle school were found to be 53 % more optimally physically active among Jews, and 89 % more among non-Jews, compared with girls from high school (P = 0?·001); girls with less educated parents were also less physically active. No clear relationship was found between the level of obesity and physical activity.ConclusionsPhysical inactivity was strongly related to gender, age, social status, sleeping habits, hookah smoking, and parental educational status. Education and intervention programmes should focus on these risk factors.
机译:目的描述以色列青少年学龄儿童的体育活动,生活方式决定因素与肥胖之间的关系。设计和设置横断面调查。主题:MABAT青年调查是一项全国性的,以学校为基础的研究,研究对象是7至12年级的青年(11岁至19岁)方法)使用自我调查表评估健康行为并测量人体测量指标。 Logistic回归分析用于检查肥胖,体育活动,社会经济状况和其他生活方式之间的联系。单向方差分析用于按BMI类别确定平均体育活动水平(MET值)。结果根据性别和种族的不同,超重的患病率为13a€“ 15%,肥胖的患病率为4a€” 9%,非肥胖者中较高-犹太人的部门。犹太女孩和男孩中分别有36%和57%处于最佳状态,非犹太女孩和男孩中40%和58%处于最佳状态。低社会经济学校的男孩和那些晚上睡少于6小时的男孩则较不活跃。与高中女生相比,初中女生的最佳身体活动率高53%,非犹太人女生的最佳身体活动率高89%(P = 0?·001);父母文化程度较低的女孩的体育活动也较少。肥胖程度与体育锻炼之间没有明确的关系。结论缺乏体育锻炼与性别,年龄,社会地位,睡眠习惯,水烟吸烟和父母的教育状况密切相关。教育和干预计划应关注这些风险因素。



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