首页> 外文期刊>Pedagogika, Psihologia ta Mediko-Biologicni Problemi Fizicnogo Vihovanna i Sportu >A dermatoglyphics of foot in the prognosis of sporting gift: differential distinctions of dermatoglyphics of foot for sportsmen and people which do not go in for sports

A dermatoglyphics of foot in the prognosis of sporting gift: differential distinctions of dermatoglyphics of foot for sportsmen and people which do not go in for sports




The features of forming of dermatoglyphics of feet are compared for sportsmen and people, which do not go in for sports. In researches took part 209 men and 198 women in age 17-19 years, which did not go in for systematic sports. The quantitative and high-quality indexes of dermatoglyphics of fingers and soles of foot were determined on a method T.D. Gladkova. It is certain that as genetic markers of propensity to the sporting gift there can be more difficult dermatoglyphics patterns (W) on the first finger and soles of feet and more considerable indexes of comb-shaped count on the first tiptoes. A dermatoglyphics of fingers and hands of hands is more informing in a prognosis high motive gift, than dermatoglyphics of feet. It can be predefined that is analysed greater amount of indexes of dermatoglyphics of hands as compared to feet. Probability of genetic prognosis is more high for girls, what for boys.
机译:比较了不参加运动的运动员和人的脚的皮肤形态特征。在研究中,年龄在19-19岁之间的209名男性和198名女性没有参加系统性运动。用T.D. Gladkova方法测定手指和脚底的皮肤象形文字的定量和高质量指标。可以肯定的是,作为运动礼物倾向的遗传标记,第一指和脚掌上的皮纹图案(W)可能更困难,而第一脚尖上的梳齿形计数指标则更大。手指和手的皮肤象形文字比脚的皮肤象形文字更能预示高动力的预后。可以预定义的是,与脚相比,可以分析更多的手的皮肤象形文字指标。女孩的遗传预后概率更高,而男孩则更高。



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