首页> 外文期刊>Studi Slavistici >Factors Influencing the Success and Failure of Writing Reforms

Factors Influencing the Success and Failure of Writing Reforms




The Russian spelling reform of 1917-1918 was very successful – so successful that many young Russians, when confronted with a pre-1917 Russian text, do not know how to read ???, ??? or ?ея?. However, many reforms of writing systems have not met with success. Among them are the 1930 attempt to convert Russian to the Latin alphabet; the Second Chinese Character Simplification Scheme of 1977, which the PRC government had to withdraw in 1986; the French spelling reform of 1990, which is still ignored by most of the public; and the Latinisation of Uzbek of 1993-1995, which, even twenty years later and after the end of the twice extended ‘transitional period’ of altogether fifteen years, has not been implemented by newspapers and magazines.
机译:1917-1918年的俄文拼写改革非常成功-如此成功,以至于许多年轻的俄罗斯人在面对1917年以前的俄文文字时都不知道如何阅读???,???。或?ея?。但是,许多书写系统的改革并未取得成功。其中包括1930年将俄语转换为拉丁字母的尝试。 1977年第二次简化汉字计划,中国政府于1986年撤销该计划; 1990年的法语拼写改革,至今仍为大多数公众所忽略;以及1993年至1995年的乌兹别克斯坦拉丁化,甚至在20年后以及两次延长的“过渡期”(共15年)结束后,报纸和杂志都没有实施。



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