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Turgenev as a Reader




In his book Zvu?a??ee slovo (Moskva 2010) the author dealt with the mutual relations between the theory of versification and the theory of declamation and with the question of how Pushkin, Gogol, Dostoyevsky and Blok used to read literary texts aloud, and, in addition, with their general attitude towards the “sounding word”. In this study, starting from B.M. Ejchenbaum’s remark that Turgenev is always striving to “tell” and “always addresses himself to a listener”, the author examines several aspects of the role that the “sounding word” played in the writer’s life and work. The most important sources he used are the memoirs of Turgenev’s contemporaries and his letters. It turns out that readings of still unpublished literary works in small circles played an unexpectedly large role. This can be explained by the writer’s wish to test the reaction of the public, but also by sociocultural factors: the atmosphere of friendly competition that reigned during that period in the aristocratic republic of Russian ‘literary workers’.
机译:作者在其著作Zvu?a?ee slovo(莫斯科,2010年)中论述了多样化理论与宣言理论之间的相互关系,以及普希金,果戈里,陀思妥耶夫斯基和布洛克如何习惯大声阅读文学作品的问题。 ,以及他们对“听起来的单词”的一般态度。在这项研究中,从B.M.埃钦鲍姆(Ejchenbaum)说,屠格涅夫(Turgenev)一直在努力“讲”,并且“总是向听众讲话”,作者考察了“发音”在作家的生活和工作中所扮演的角色的几个方面。他使用的最重要的资料来源是屠格涅夫(Turgenev)同时代人的回忆录和他的来信。事实证明,小圈子里仍未出版的文学作品的阅读起着意想不到的重要作用。这可以用作者希望检验公众反应的愿望来解释,也可以用社会文化因素来解释:在那个时期,在贵族的俄罗斯“文学工作者”共和国盛行的友好竞争气氛。



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