首页> 外文期刊>Stem Cell >Correlation between Adenoid Volume and Intratympanic Pressure Level and Degree of Mastiod Air Cell Pneumatization in Children at Pre-School Age

Correlation between Adenoid Volume and Intratympanic Pressure Level and Degree of Mastiod Air Cell Pneumatization in Children at Pre-School Age




Objective: Studying correlation between adenoid volume and intratympanic pressure level and the degree of mastoid air cells pneumatization, clinically, audiologically and radiologically in children between (3-6th) years. Background: Adenoid Hypertrophy and Eustachian tube dysfunction are considered causal factor for intratymanic pressure level changes. There are many methods to measure the size of adenoid as lateral soft tissue X-ray of nasopharynx and measuring the adenoid volume physically. Materials and method: This study was made as a prospective study performed on 40 children with adenoid hyperatrophy, that was diagnosed clinically, radiologically by lateral soft tissue x-ray of neck and physically. Intratympanic pressure level was measured audiologcally. Mastoid air cells pneumatization was assessed radiologically by computerized tomography of temporal bone from May 2014 till September 2016. Results: 57.5 % males and 42.5 % females with adenoid volume were estimated in ranges between 4-7 ml in all cases with mean ±SD 5.47±0.96. We found that 35 cases with mean adenoid volume "5.48±0.94" have well mastoid air cell pneumatization, and 5 cases with adenoid volume "5.40±1.19" have poorely air cell pneumatization, also we found 42 ears with mean adenoid volume "5.80±0.87" their tympanogram was type B and, 10 ears with mean adenoid volume "6.05±0.85" their tympanogram type c, 24 ears with mean adenoid volume "4.69±o.69" with tympanogram type A and 4 ears with mean adenoid volume "5.18±0.35" with tympanogram type As. p value was < 0.001. Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between increasing adenoid volume and changes in intratympanic pressure level, and there is no significant relation between mastoid air cells pneumatization and Adenoid volume.
机译:目的:研究(3-6 th )岁儿童的临床,听觉和放射学上腺样体体积和鼓膜内压力水平与乳突空气细胞气化程度的相关性。背景:腺样体肥大和咽鼓管功能不全被认为是肠内压力水平变化的原因。有许多方法可以测量作为鼻咽侧部软组织X射线的腺样体的大小并物理测量腺样体的体积。材料和方法:本研究是对40例患有腺样体肥大的儿童进行的前瞻性研究,临床上,放射学上均通过颈部侧面软组织X线和身体诊断出该患儿。耳内压水平通过听觉测量。从2014年5月至2016年9月,通过颞骨的计算机断层摄影术对放射状的乳突空气细胞进行了放射学评估。结果:在所有病例中,腺样体体积的男性分别为57.5%和42.5%,估计范围为4-7 ml,平均值为±SD 5.47± 0.96。我们发现35例平均腺样体体积为“ 5.48±0.94”的患者的乳突状细胞气化良好,5例腺样体体积为“ 5.40±1.19”的患者进行了较差的气室气化,还发现了42只耳朵的平均腺样体体积为“ 5.80±”他们的鼓室图为B型0.87“,鼓膜平均C型为10耳,腺样体平均体积为” 6.05±0.85“,鼓膜A型为24耳,平均腺样体为” 4.69±o.69“,鼓膜为A时为4耳。鼓室图类型为As的5.18±0.35“。 p值<0.001。结论:腺样体体积增加与鼓室内压水平的变化之间存在显着相关性,乳突气室的气化与腺样体体积之间没有显着相关性。



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