首页> 外文期刊>Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical. Revista >Associa??o entre acidentes vasculares encefálicos e doen?a de Chagas

Associa??o entre acidentes vasculares encefálicos e doen?a de Chagas




The frequency of strokes was studied in chronic chagasic and years ofage, non-chagasicpatients, older than 15 coming to necropsy in Uberaba, from 1979 than 1988. The study consisted of paired sex and age matched controls. Two hundred and eight pairs were analysed. Either ischemic or hemorrhagic strokes were found in 41 (19,7%) of the chagasics and in 55 (26.4%) of the non-chagasic, a difference not significant at the level of 5%. Twelve (75%) of the former had infarcts and 4(25%) had brain hemorrhage; five (31,3%) of the non-chagasics had ischemic strokes and 11 (68,7%) had hemorrhagic strokes. The differences were significant to the level of 5%. The results indicate a high frequency of ischemic strokes in human Chagas'disease and demonstrate a lesser frequency of hemorrhagic stroke in chagasics when compared with non-chagasics.
机译:从1979年到1988年,在Uberaba的慢性气喘病和年长的非气喘病患者(年龄在15岁以上,要进行尸检)中研究了卒中的发生频率。该研究由成对的性别和年龄匹配的对照组组成。分析了208对。缺血性或出血性中风在41例(19.7%)和55例(26.4%)的非chagasic中被发现,在5%的水平上差异不显着。前者中有十二个(75%)有梗塞,而脑梗塞中有4个(25%)有脑出血。 5名(31,3%)的非骑行者患有缺血性中风,11名(68.7%)患有出血性中风。差异显着到5%的水平。结果表明,与非气喘病相比,气喘病中缺血性卒中的发生频率较高,并且在气喘病中出血性卒中的发生率较低。



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