首页> 外文期刊>Science and technology of nuclear installation >Development of a Remote Handling Robot for the Maintenance of an ITER-Like D-Shaped Vessel

Development of a Remote Handling Robot for the Maintenance of an ITER-Like D-Shaped Vessel




Robotic operation is one of the major challenges in the remote maintenance of ITER vacuum vessel (VV) and future fusion reactors as inner operations of Tokamak have to be done by robots due to the internal adverse conditions. This paper introduces a novel remote handling robot (RHR) for the maintenance of ITER-like D-shaped vessel. The modular designed RHR, which is an important part of the remote handling system for ITER, consists of three parts an omnidirectional transfer vehicle (OTV), a planar articulated arm (PAA), and an articulated teleoperated manipulator (ATM). The task of RHR is to carry processing tools, such as the viewing system, leakage detector, and electric screwdriver, to inspect and maintain the components installed inside the D-shaped vessel. The kinematics of the OTV, as well as the kinematic analyses of the PAA and ATM, is studied in this paper. Because of its special length and heavy payload, the dynamics of the PAA is also investigated through a dynamic simulation system based on robot technology middleware (RTM). The results of the path planning, workspace simulations, and dynamic simulation indicate that the RHR has good mobility together with satisfying kinematic and dynamic performances and can well accomplish its maintenance tasks in the ITER-like D-shaped vessel.
机译:机器人操作是ITER真空容器(VV)和未来聚变反应堆远程维护的主要挑战之一,由于内部不利条件,托卡马克的内部操作必须由机器人完成。本文介绍了一种新型的远程操纵机器人(RHR),用于维护类似ITER的D型船。模块化设计的RHR是ITER远程处理系统的重要组成部分,由三部分组成:全向转移车(OTV),平面铰接臂(PAA)和铰接式遥控操纵器(ATM)。 RHR的任务是携带处理工具,例如观察系统,检漏仪和电动螺丝刀,以检查和维护D形容器内安装的组件。本文研究了OTV的运动学以及PAA和ATM的运动学分析。由于其特殊的长度和较重的有效负载,还通过基于机器人技术中间件(RTM)的动态仿真系统研究了PAA的动力学。路径规划,工作空间模拟和动态模拟的结果表明,RHR具有良好的机动性以及令人满意的运动和动态性​​能,并且可以很好地完成ITER型D形容器的维护任务。



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