
Pectoralis Major Tendon Repair




Objectives: Systematic reviews of the literature have identified 365 reported cases of Pectoralis Major Tendon (PMT) injuries. While surgical treatment has demonstrated improved outcomes compared to non-operative treatment, there is still relatively limited data on the functional outcome, return to sport and need for 2nd surgery in athletes following PMT repair. This study comprises the largest series of athletes following PMT repair reported to date. The Objective is to report on the functional outcomes, return to sport and need for 2nd surgery in a consecutive series of PMT tears. Methods: From 2009, 81 patients with PMT tears were enrolled in this prospective series. Baseline evaluation included patient demographics, mechanism of injury, physical examination and PMT specific MRI for confirmation of the diagnosis and analysis of the extent of injury. Each patient underwent surgical repair by the senior author utilizing a previously published surgical technique. Patients were then followed at 2 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months and further follow-up was conducted annually thereafter with functional outcome scores and adduction strength testing. The return to sport and incidence of 2nd surgery data were recorded. This study includes the first 40 athletes to reach the 2-year post-operative period. Results: All athletes were male, with an average age of 34.4 years (range 23-59). The patient cohort consisted of 4 professional NFL players and 36 recreational athletes. Average follow-up duration was 2.5 years (range 2 - 6.0 years). The most common mechanisms of injury occurred during the bench press (n=26) and contact sport participation (n=14). Sixteen injuries were complete avulsions involving both the clavicular and sternocostal heads, while 24 were isolated sternocostal head avulsions. Average pre-injury bench press of 396 lbs (range 170-500 lbs) was restored to 241 lbs post-operatively (range 140-550 lbs). Single Assessment Numeric Evaluation (SANE) scores averaged 93.6 (range 62-100) with an average overall patient satisfaction rated at 9.6 out of 10 (range 6-10). All athletes returned to their pre-injury level of activity at average 5.5 months post-op (range 4.5-6.5 months). Isokinetic evaluation assessing adduction strength revealed an average decrease of <11% (avg. 9.9%, range -18 - 41%) compared with the contralateral extremity. Application of the Bak criteria revealed 50% of athletes scored as excellent, 35% as good and 15% as fair. One athlete developed a pulmonary embolus 10 days post-op. Two athletes required a 2nd surgery (5%), both were re-injured within 3 weeks of surgery. Conclusion: As demonstrated in this consecutive series, which represents the largest cohort of PMT repairs reported to date, surgical repair resulted in 96% patient satisfaction, with 85% good to excellent restoration of function and adduction strength. The athletes returned to sport on average at 5.5 months post-operatively and the incidence of 2nd surgery was 5%.
机译:目的:对文献的系统评价确定了365例报告的胸大肌腱(PMT)受伤病例。尽管与非手术治疗相比,手术治疗已显示出改善的结局,但在PMT修复后的运动员中,关于功能结局,恢复运动以及需要进行第二次手术的数据仍然相对有限。这项研究包括迄今为止报道的PMT修复后最多的运动员系列。目的是报告一系列连续的PMT泪液的功能结局,运动恢复和第二次手术的需要。方法:从2009年开始,本研究纳入了81例PMT眼泪患者。基线评估包括患者人口统计资料,损伤机制,身体检查和PMT特定MRI,以确认诊断和分析损伤程度。每位患者均由高级作者使用先前发表的手术技术进行手术修复。然后在2周,6周,3个月和6个月时对患者进行随访,此后每年进行进一步的随访,并进行功能结局评分和内收强度测试。记录运动恢复和第二次手术的发生率。这项研究包括前40名达到术后2年期的运动员。结果:所有运动员均为男性,平均年龄34.4岁(范围23-59)。该患者队列由4名职业NFL运动员和36名娱乐运动员组成。平均随访时间为2.5年(范围2-6.0年)。最常见的伤害机制发生在卧推(n = 26)和接触运动参与(n = 14)期间。完全撕脱伤涉及16例,其中包括锁骨和胸肋头部撕脱,而孤立的胸肋骨头部撕脱有24例。受伤前的平均卧推压力为396磅(170-500磅),术后恢复到241磅(140-550磅)。单一评估数字评估(SANE)评分平均为93.6(范围62-100),平均总体患者满意度为9.6 / 10(范围6-10)。所有运动员在术后平均5.5个月(范围4.5-6.5个月)恢复到受伤前的活动水平。评估内收强度的等速运动评估显示,与对侧肢体相比,平均下降<11%(平均9.9%,范围-18-41%)。应用Bak标准后,发现50%的运动员得分为优秀,35%的运动员为好,15%的运动员为好。一名运动员在术后10天出现肺栓塞。两名运动员需要进行第二次手术(5%),均在手术后3周内受伤。结论:正如该连续系列所证实的那样,这是迄今为止报道的最大的PMT修复队列,手术修复导致96%的患者满意度,其中85%的患者恢复了良好的功能和内收强度。运动员平均在术后5.5个月恢复运动,第二次手术的发生率为5%。



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