首页> 外文期刊>Open Journal of Philosophy >Educating for Ubuntu/Botho: Lessons from Basotho Indigenous Education

Educating for Ubuntu/Botho: Lessons from Basotho Indigenous Education

机译:为Ubuntu / Botho提供教育:来自Basotho土著教育的经验教训



This article reflects on shocking and horrifying incidents of moral indiscretion that have become commonplace in South Africa. The aim is to understand why human beings would carry out such shocking and horrific acts on fellow human beings. The article draws on Dismas Masolo’s book Self and Community in a Changing World to unpack the notion of personhood. It draws lessens on Basotho indigenous education. The choice of Basotho indigenous education is premised on the assumption that it is the author’s own native knowledge with which he is most familiar, and about which he can write uninhibitedly.
机译:本文反映了在南非已变得司空见惯的令人震惊和令人震惊的道德轻蔑事件。目的是要理解为什么人类会对同胞造成如此震惊和恐怖的行为。本文借鉴了迪斯马斯·马索洛(Dismas Masolo)的著作《瞬息万变的世界中的自我和社区》,以剖析人格的概念。它减少了巴西索托人的土著教育。选择巴索托土著教育的前提是,他是最熟悉作者的本国知识,并且可以毫不动摇地写作。



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