首页> 外文期刊>Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology >GnRH antagonist administration to postpone a weekend intrauterine insemination: a large cohort study from a public center

GnRH antagonist administration to postpone a weekend intrauterine insemination: a large cohort study from a public center




Background In Spanish public hospital Reproduction Units it is very problematic to perform programmed intrauterine insemination (IUI) on weekends, if indicated. Small previous pilot studies suggest that using a GnRH antagonist to avoid an LH weekend surge would allow to perform IUI on the following Monday, not impairing the expected pregnancy rate. Methods Between 1st January 2007 and 31st December 2015, 4.782 intrauterine inseminations were performed at Valladolid University Clinic, Spain, corresponding to 1.650 women. Of them, 911, corresponding to 695 women, should ideally have been performed during the weekend. If it happened that a member of the Reproduction Unit was on duty during that particular weekend, the standard protocol was not interrupted, and the IUI performed as planned (control group, 685 IUIs). If the former was not the case, the weekend gap was bridged by administering 0.25?mg GnRH antagonist (GnRHa). Ovulation was induced by means of 250 ug recombinant HCG (rHCG) 36?h prior to IUI on the following Monday (study group, 226 IUIs). Results There were no differences in the clinical pregnancy rate (13.7?cc vs. 16.2?%, p =?0.371) or in the ongoing pregnancy rate between groups (11.9?% vs. 14.9?%, p =?0.271). The multiple pregnancy rate was also comparable in both groups (14.7?% vs. 18.5?%, p =?0.77). Conclusions Women with a planned IUI which cannot be performed at the ideal date can be offered postponement for two days with the support of GnRHa treatment, with results that are not inferior to those expected applying the regular protocol.
机译:背景技术如果有指示,在西班牙的公立医院生殖​​单元,在周末进行程序化的宫内人工授精(IUI)会非常麻烦。先前的小型先期研究表明,使用GnRH拮抗剂避免LH周末激增,可以在下周一进行IUI,而不会损害预期的妊娠率。方法2007年1月1日至2015年12月31日,西班牙巴利亚多利德大学诊所进行了4.782例子宫内授精,相当于1.650名妇女。其中,理想情况下,应该在周末演出911,相当于695名女性。如果碰巧在那个特定的周末有一个繁殖部门的成员值班,则标准协议没有中断,并且IUI按计划执行(控制组685个IUI)。如果不是前者,则可通过服用0.25mg的GnRH拮抗剂(GnRHa)来弥合周末的缺口。在下一个星期一的IUI前36小时,通过250 ug重组HCG(rHCG)诱导排卵(研究组为226个IUI)。结果两组之间的临床妊娠率(13.7%cc vs. 16.2%,p = 0.371)或持续妊娠率(11.9 %%与14.9%,p = 0.271)无差异。两组的多胎妊娠率也相当(14.7%vs. 18.5%,p =?0.77)。结论在GnRHa治疗的支持下,计划在理想的日期不能执行IUI的妇女可以推迟两天,其结果不逊于常规方案预期的结果。



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