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Redes polticas y distribucin de recursos pblicos a nivel subnacional: Las relaciones provincia-municipios en el caso Crdoba, Argentina




ResumenEn los contextos post-descentralizacin, las relaciones intergubernamentales (RIGs) central-locales adquieren gran relevancia para comprender los procesos de asignacin territorial de recursos pblicos. La elevada autonoma local en la Provincia de Crdoba, Argentina, hace de sta un caso apropiado para examinar la complejidad de factores involucrados en la distribucin de recursos a municipios y, de este modo, generar aproximaciones heursticas sobre estos procesos a nivel regional. Este estudio (a) da cuenta de la coexistencia de dos subsistemas de RIGs, a travs de los cuales los gobiernos locales procuran acceder a recursos pblicos de decisin discrecional, uno conformado por redes polticas formales y otro por una diversidad de redes polticas informales; (b) se observa un efecto sistemtico de ambos tipos de redes sobre las chances de acceso de los gobiernos locales a recursos de decisin discrecional del gobierno provincial; (c) se advierte que los gobiernos locales adoptan una estrategia combinada de vinculacin a ambos tipos de redes, priorizando el mecanismo de la cohesin en las redes formales y la intermediacin en las redes informales.AbstractIn the post-decentralization context, the central-local intergovernmental relationships (IGRs) have acquired great relevance for understanding the process of distributing public resources. High local autonomy in the province of Crdoba, Argentina, makes it an appropriate case for examining the complexity of factors involved in the distribution of resources from provincial government to local government and, in this way, for developing a heuristic approximation of those processes at the regional level. In this article we (a) point out the coexistence of two IGR subsystems by which the local government tries to access public resources that are subject to discretion of the provincial governmentone of which is formed by formal political networks and the other by a diversity of informal political networks(b) find a systematic effect of the two networks on the likelihood of the local government getting the resources from the provincial government; and (c) report that the local governments implement a combined strategy that joins both networks, giving priority to the mechanism of cohesion in the formal networks and to the mechanism of intermediation in the informal networks.
机译:摘要在权力下放后的背景下,中央与地方政府间关系(RIGs)对于理解公共资源的地域分配过程具有重要意义。阿根廷科尔多瓦省的地方自治程度很高,因此这是一个适当的案例,可以用来检查涉及向城市分配资源的因素的复杂性,并以此方式在区域层面上对这些过程产生启发式方法。这项研究(a)解释了RIGs的两个子系统的共存,地方政府通过这些子系统寻求获取酌处决定权的公共资源,一个子系统由正式政治网络组成,另一个由多种非正式政治网络组成; (b)观察到两种类型的网络对地方政府获取省政府酌处决定资源的机会的系统影响; (c)可以看出,地方政府采取了一种联合策略,将两种类型的网络联系在一起,优先考虑正式网络中的凝聚力和非正式网络中的中介机制。政府间关系(IGR)对于理解分配公共资源的过程具有重要意义。阿根廷科尔多瓦省具有高度的地方自治权,因此它是一个适当的案例,可以用来考察省级政府向地方政府分配资源过程中所涉及因素的复杂性,并以此方式对这些过程进行启发式近似。区域一级。在本文中,我们(a)指出了两个IGR子系统的共存,地方政府通过这两个子系统来尝试访问由省政府酌情决定的公共资源,其中一个由正式的政治网络组成,另一个由多种非正式的形式组成。政治网络(b)发现这两个网络对地方政府从省政府获取资源的可能性产生系统性影响; (c)报告说,地方政府实施了结合两个网络的联合战略,优先考虑正式网络中的凝聚力机制和非正式网络中的中介机制。



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