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Politieke herskrywings van die Ons(e) Vader-gebed in vier Afrikaanse gedigte




Political rewritings of the Our Father prayer in four Afrikaans poems. The utilisation of religious elements is a prominent trend in Afrikaans poetry ? often in service of the political struggle, for example during the apartheid years. In this article four rewritings of the “Our Father” prayer are examined, using Linda Hutcheon's theory of parody, as discussed in (among others), her pioneering work, “A theory of parody” (2000). For Hutcheon, parody does not necessarily imply ridiculing a previous text. According to her well-known definition, parody is “ironic transcontextualization, is repetition with difference. A critical distance is implied between the backgrounded text being parodied and the new incorporating work, a distance usually signaled by irony.” The rewritings of the “Our Father” by Jan Blom (Breyten Breytenbach), Ronnie Belcher and André Letoit (Koos Kombuis) are distinct examples of ironic inversion, while in Hans du Plessis's poem (in Griqua Afrikaans) the irony is less obvious and the critique (if any) more subdued. As Hutcheon explains and motivates, parody does not always take place at the expense of the parodied text. Thus the parodical rewritings of the “Our Father” need not necessarily be seen as destructive and belittling of the prayer itself, but as critically constructive vis-à-vis the Christian community.
机译:南非荷兰语四首诗歌中《我们父亲的祈祷》的政治改写。宗教元素的利用是南非荷兰语诗歌的主要趋势?通常是为了政治斗争,例如在种族隔离时期。本文使用琳达·哈钦(Linda Hutcheon)的模仿理论来对“我们的父亲”祈祷的四个重写进行了审查,如其他(在其他方面)所讨论的,她的开创性著作《模仿理论》(Aody of parody)(2000)。对于Hutcheon而言,模仿并非一定意味着嘲笑先前的文字。根据她众所周知的定义,模仿是“讽刺性的跨语境化,是重复与差异。模仿的背景文字与新的并入作品之间暗示着一个临界距离,通常是讽刺意味的距离。”扬·布洛姆(Breyten Breytenbach),罗尼·贝尔彻和安德烈·莱托伊特(库斯·康比斯)对“我们的父亲”的改写是具有讽刺意味的反演的典型例子,而在汉斯·杜·普莱西斯的诗中(格里夸·南非荷兰语),讽刺性就不太明显,批评(如果有的话)更加柔和。正如Hutcheon所解释和激励的那样,模仿并非总是以模仿文本为代价而发生的。因此,“我们的父亲”的戏od式改写不一定被看作是祈祷本身的破坏性和轻浮性,而是相对于基督教社区的批判性建设性。



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