首页> 外文期刊>Laboratory investigation >Conversion of Human Colonic Adenoma Cells to Adenocarcinoma Cells Through Inflammation in Nude Mice

Conversion of Human Colonic Adenoma Cells to Adenocarcinoma Cells Through Inflammation in Nude Mice




The roles of inflammation in the malignant progression of tumors during multistep carcinogenesis have been much discussed but remain to be elucidated. To determine the direct contribution of inflammation to colon carcinogenesis, we established a new model of progression of human colonic adenoma cells using a nude mouse; the progression is accelerated by coimplantation of a plastic plate. The FPCK-1–1 cell line, derived from a colonic polyp in a patient with familial adenomatous polyposis, is nontumorigenic when injected subcutaneously into nude mice in a cell suspension of up to 5 106 cells per mouse. However implantation of 1 105 FPCK-1–1 cells attached to a plastic plate induced first acute and then chronic inflammation, and formed progressively growing tumors that were histologically determined as moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma in 65% of mice. Moreover cell lines established from the growing tumors were found to be tumorigenic when injected into mice even without a plastic plate. The tumor arising from the adenoma cells implanted attached to a plastic plate was surrounded by highly proliferating fibrous stroma. This fibrous tissue was considered essential for malignant progression, rather than for attachment to the plastic plate substrate, because the tumors were formed after injection of FPCK-1–1 cells into the fibrous tissue from which the plastic plate had been removed before the cell injection. The conditioned medium (CM) obtained from the fibroblasts derived from a plastic plate-associated stromal tissue was found to contain factors that stimulated growth of FPCK-1–1 cells, but not of the derivative progressor cell lines. The factor was stable to heating and neuraminidase treatment, but labile to trypsin treatment. The main growth-potentiating activity was contained in the fraction larger than 100 kDa. In contrast, the activity to promote FPCK-1–1 cell growth was not present in the CM of subcutaneous fibroblasts from untreated nude mice or the fibroblast cell lines C3H10T 1/2 and NIH3T3. These results demonstrated that inflammation-associated stroma promoted the conversion of colonic adenoma cells to adenocarcinoma cells.
机译:在多步癌变过程中炎症在肿瘤恶性进展中的作用已被广泛讨论,但仍有待阐明。为了确定炎症对结肠癌发生的直接贡献,我们使用裸鼠建立了人类结肠腺瘤细胞进展的新模型。通过塑料板的共植入可加快进程。 FPCK-1–1细胞系源自家族性腺瘤性息肉病患者的结肠息肉,当皮下注射至裸鼠的每只小鼠最多5 106个细胞的细胞悬液中时,是非致瘤性的。但是,将1 105个FPCK-1–1细胞植入附着在塑料板上的细胞会先诱发急性炎症,然后诱发慢性炎症,并在65%的小鼠中形成逐渐增长的肿瘤,从组织学角度确定为中度分化的腺癌。此外,即使没有塑料板,也可以将由生长中的肿瘤建立的细胞系注射入小鼠体内,从而具有致瘤性。由附着在塑料板上植入的腺瘤细胞引起的肿瘤被高度增殖的纤维基质所包围。这种纤维组织被认为对恶性进展至关重要,而不是对塑料板基质的附着,因为肿瘤是在将FPCK-1–1细胞注射到在注射细胞之前已从中除去塑料板的纤维组织中注射后形成的。发现从与塑料板相关的基质组织衍生的成纤维细胞获得的条件培养基(CM)包含刺激FPCK-1-1细胞生长的因子,但不刺激衍生进展细胞系的生长。该因素对加热和神经氨酸酶处理稳定,但对胰蛋白酶处理不稳定。主要的生长增强活性包含在大于100 kDa的部分中。相反,未经处理的裸鼠或成纤维细胞系C3H10T 1/2和NIH3T3的皮下成纤维细胞的CM中没有促进FPCK-1–1细胞生长的活性。这些结果表明,炎症相关基质促进了结肠腺瘤细胞向腺癌细胞的转化。



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