首页> 外文期刊>National Journal of Community Medicine >Prevalence of Tobacco Use Among Government Employees in Ahmedabad , Gujarat

Prevalence of Tobacco Use Among Government Employees in Ahmedabad , Gujarat




"Introduction: Tobacco is the most easily accessible addictive sub-stance which contributes to premature death and long term suffering, being a major risk factor for non-communicable diseases. The objective was to study prevalence of tobacco usage and exposure to second hand smoke among the government employees. Methodology: A cross sectional study was undertaken in urban area of Gujarat from January 2013 to November 2014. Total 300 males and 300 females were selected from class III and class IV government employees of B. J. Medical College and Civil Hospital, Ahmedabad for the study. Results: In this study, 13% males were smoker and 33.67% males and 4.67% females were consuming smokeless tobacco products. Prevalence of smokeless tobacco was 26.36% in 35 to 45 years of age. Passive smoking was reported by 112 (37.33%) males and 70 (23.33%) in females. Prevalence of smoking was 22% in class IV employees compared to 4% in class III employees. Conclusions: Prevalence of tobacco was significantly higher in class IV employees. Prevalence of smokeless tobacco consumption was higher in 35 to 45 years of age group and prevalence of smoking was higher in age group of 55 years and above.
机译:“引言:烟草是最容易获得的成瘾物质,它会导致过早死亡和长期痛苦,是非传染性疾病的主要危险因素。目标是研究烟草使用的流行程度以及接触二手烟的人群方法:2013年1月至2014年11月在古吉拉特邦市区进行了横断面研究,从BJ医学院和艾哈迈达巴德市民医院的III级和IV级政府雇员中选出300名男性和300名女性作为政府雇员。结果:在这项研究中,吸烟的男性中有13%的男性吸烟,男性中有33.67%的男性和4.67%的女性在使用无烟烟草产品。35至45岁的无烟烟草患病率为26.36%。据报道,被动吸烟的人数为112(男性为37.33%,女性为70(23.33%),四类雇员的吸烟率为22%,三类雇员的吸烟率为4%。在IV级员工中要高得多。 35至45岁年龄段的无烟烟草消费率较高,而55岁以上年龄段的吸烟率较高。



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