首页> 外文期刊>Nepal Journal of Neuroscience >Outcome Difference in Neurosurgical Patients Based on Timing of Tracheostomy and Ventilator Associated Pneumonia

Outcome Difference in Neurosurgical Patients Based on Timing of Tracheostomy and Ventilator Associated Pneumonia




Background and Objective: Tracheostomy in neurosurgical patients has been shown in various studies to lower the length of ICU stay and the length of hospital stay by decreasing the incidence of ventilator associated pneumonia. In this regard, we wanted to evaluate the outcome of neurosurgical ICU patients based on timing of tracheostomy and ventilator associated pneumonia.Methods: This is a retrospective single centre study performed over a period of two and a half years. Early tracheostomy was defi ned as those done three days of intubation or earlier and late as those done then after. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS.Results: There were 56 patients over the study period of which 18 patients underwent early tracheostomy and 38 patients underwent late tracheostomy. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups with regards to the length of ICU stay, the length of hospital stay or the length of tracheostomy tube in situ. But based on tracheal aspirate culture positivity, length of tracheostomy tube in situ was signifi cantly longer in those with positive bacterial cultures.Early tracheostomy does not improve neurosurgical outcome while documented pneumonia prolongs the length of tracheostomy tube in situ.Nepal Journal of Neuroscience 15:19-22, 2018.
机译:背景与目的:神经外科患者的气管切开术已通过减少呼吸机相关性肺炎的发生而降低了ICU住院时间和住院时间。在这方面,我们希望根据气管切开术和呼吸机相关性肺炎的时机评估神经外科ICU患者的结局。方法:这是一项为期两年半的回顾性单中心研究。早期气管切开术定义为插管三天或更早进行,而后来则更晚。结果:研究期间共有56例患者,其中18例行早期气管切开术,38例行晚期气管切开术。两组的ICU住院时间,住院时间或原位气管切开插管的长度在统计学上无显着差异。但是根据气管吸出培养物的阳性结果,细菌培养阳性的人原位气管造口术管的长度明显更长。早期气管造口术并不能改善神经外科手术的结果,而有记载的肺炎会延长原位气管造口术管的长度。尼泊尔神经科学杂志15: 2018年19月22日。



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