首页> 外文期刊>National Journal of Medical Research >Histopathological Study of 100 Cases of Vasculartumours

Histopathological Study of 100 Cases of Vasculartumours




Introduction: Vascular tumors show a broad variety of morphological appearances and cilinical behavior, the lesions are ranging from benign hemangiomas to intermediate lesion, which are locally aggressive, to highly malignant angiosarcoma. There is also the grey zone between true neoplasia and hamartoma, which makes difficulty in histopathological assessment. It is also important to decide the degree of malignancy as it can strongly influence the choice of treatment and prognosis. Methodology: Hundred cases of vascular tumors received at the department of pathology, medical college and SSG hospital, Baroda have been studied with a view to carrying out a histopathological analysis. Results: mploying modified Enzingera??s classification (2001) the break up of 100 cases was as follows : 37 a?? capillary hemangiomas, 26 a?? granuloma pyogenicum, 15 a?? cavernous hemangiomas, 07 a?? lymphangiomas, 04 a?? massona??s hemangiomas (papillary endothelial hyperplasia), 03 a?? epithelioid hemangiomas, 03 a?? lymphangiomas circumscriptum, 01 a?? cystic hygroma, 01 a?? spindle cell hemangioendothelioma, 01 a?? epithelioid hemangioendothelioma, 01 a?? glomus tumor, 01 a?? angiosarcoma. Majority of vascular tumors were benign, more common in children and young adults, most common sites were head and neck, which required only local surgical excision. Conclusion: Malignant and intermediate tumors formed as extremely small proportion of vascular tumors, which should be treated aggressively and closely followed up.
机译:简介:血管肿瘤表现出各种各样的形态学外观和纤毛行为,病变范围从良性血管瘤到局部侵袭性中等病变,再到高度恶性的血管肉瘤。真实的瘤形成和错构瘤之间也存在灰色区域,这使得组织病理学评估变得困难。决定恶性程度也很重要,因为它会强烈影响治疗的选择和预后。方法:已经对在Baroda的病理科,医学院和SSG医院接受的100例血管肿瘤进行了研究,以进行组织病理学分析。结果:采用改良的Enzingera分类法(2001年),分解100例如下:37 a?。毛细血管血管瘤,26 a?化脓性肉芽肿15 a?海绵状血管瘤,07岁?淋巴管瘤,04年?? Massona ?? s血管瘤(乳头状血管内皮增生),03 a ??上皮样血管瘤,03 a ??环淋巴管瘤,01 a ??囊性湿疹01 a ??纺锤状细胞血管内皮瘤,01 a ???上皮样血管内皮瘤,01 a ?? glomus肿瘤,01 a ??血管肉瘤。多数血管肿瘤是良性的,多见于儿童和年轻人,最常见的部位是头部和颈部,仅需局部手术切除即可。结论:恶性和中度肿瘤占血管肿瘤的比例很小,应积极治疗并密切随访。



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