首页> 外文期刊>Modern Pathology >Endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia with secretory differentiation: diagnostic features and underlying mechanisms

Endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia with secretory differentiation: diagnostic features and underlying mechanisms




Endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia (EIN) with secretory differentiation and ordinary EIN occurring in a secretory context are rare but recognized findings. We determined how often secretory differentiation in EIN was associated with evidence of circulating progestins in the background endometrium, and studied clinical characteristics and clinical outcomes of affected patients. We selected 41 patients with secretory differentiation in either the EIN itself (n=31) and/or background endometrium (n=38). Most (90%, 28/31) secretory EINs were associated with circulating progestins. Rare exceptions were observed, suggesting that secretory EIN may occur as a hormone-independent phenomenon. Circulating progestins are not sufficient, however, to induce EIN secretory differentiation, as 26% (10/38) of EIN within a secretory background were of the ordinary (non-secretory) type. EIN patients with secretory endometrium in the background are younger (averaging 45 years) than the aggregate group of all patients with EIN (53 years in previously published studies) and are often premenopausal with a cyclical source of endogenous progestins. Involution of EIN during follow-up was more frequent (81%, 17/21) for those with a secretory background at the time of initial EIN diagnosis compared with historical averages (25%, 36/142). These results suggest a potential role for endogenous progesterone, as well as therapeutic progestins, in modulating EIN outcomes.
机译:具有分泌分化的子宫内膜上皮内瘤变(EIN)和在分泌环境中发生的普通EIN是罕见的,但得到公认。我们确定了EIN的分泌分化与背景子宫内膜循环孕激素的证据关联的频率,并研究了受影响患者的临床特征和临床结局。我们选择了41名在EIN本身(n = 31)和/或背景子宫内膜(n = 38)分泌分化的患者。大多数(90%,28/31)分泌型EIN与循环孕激素有关。罕见的异常被观察到,提示分泌型EIN可能以激素非依赖性现象出现。然而,循环孕激素不足以诱导EIN分泌分化,因为分泌背景中26%(10/38)的EIN为普通(非分泌)类型。背景为分泌型子宫内膜的EIN患者比所有EIN患者的总和组(以前发表的研究中为53岁)年轻(平均45岁),并且经常在绝经前出现周期性内源性孕激素。与历史平均水平相比,初次EIN诊断时具有分泌背景的患者在随访期间EIN的内卷更为频繁(81%,17/21)。这些结果表明内源性孕酮以及治疗性孕激素在调节EIN结局中具有潜在作用。



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