
Moral Evaluation Of Conformity: A Comparative Study




Moral values are a part of the general value systems ofindividuals which serve the function of guiding theindividual's choices in life and determining his reactionsto his various experiences. According to Lewin, "valuesinfluence behavior but have not the character of a goal...the individual does not try to reach the value of fairnessbut fairness is guiding his behavior."2In other words, actingin accordance with one's values does not decrease the powerof that value in guiding one's behavior. A person feelscontent with himself when he acts according to his valuesand feels discomfort or dissonance when his behaviorcontradicts his values. Just as values influence the choicesindividuals make and the actions they take,actions and choicesin turn may influence people's values. Numerous studiesgenerated by dissonance theory give examples of thisphenomenon.
机译:道德价值观是个人一般价值体系的一部分,具有指导个人生活选择和决定其对各种经历的反应的作用。莱文认为,“价值影响行为,但不具有目标的性质……个人没有试图达到公平的价值,而是公平指导着他的行为。” 2换句话说,按照一个人的价值行事不会降低人的权力。指导个人行为的价值。一个人按照自己的价值观行事时会感到满足,而当自己的行为与自己的价值观相矛盾时会感到不适或不和谐。正如价值观影响个人做出的选择和他们采取的行动一样,行动和选择又可能影响人们的价值观。由不和谐理论进行的大量研究给出了这种现象的例子。



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