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Variations of posterior branch of renal artery course in humans




Background:To investigate variations in the course of the posterior branch of the renal artery.Material/Methods: 200 corrosion casts of renal arteries and urinary outflow structures were obtained and studied. Variations in the origin of the posterior branch of renal artery, its entrance to the renal hilus and sinus, as well as its relation to minor and major renal calyces and the renal pelvis were categorized.Results: In 63% of the specimens, the posterior branch of the renal artery ran adjacent to the posterior wall of the renal pelvis, in 18% it crossed superiorly the wall of superior renal calyx, in 11% it ran along almost its total course posteriorly to the posterior labium of the renal hilum, in 7%, it was located extrarenally, and in 1%, it crossed inferiorly to the wall of superior renal calyx.Conclusions: We observed five major variations in the course of the posterior renal artery. Knowledge of these variations may play an important role in percutaneous biopsy and surgery of the kidney.
机译:背景/方法:研究肾动脉后支支配过程的变化。材料/方法:研究并研究了200个肾动脉腐蚀铸件和尿液流出结构。对肾动脉后支的起源,其进入肾门和窦的入口以及与小,大肾小管和肾盂的关系进行了分类。结果:在63%的标本中,后肾动脉的分支与肾盂后壁相邻,有18%穿过上肾萼壁上方,有11%几乎沿整个过程向肾门后唇延伸。 7%,位于肾外,而1%,其下横穿上肾萼壁。结论:我们观察到肾后动脉的过程中有五个主要变化。这些变化的知识可能在经皮穿刺活检和肾脏手术中起重要作用。



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