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An Increase in Alpha Band Frequency in Resting State EEG after Electrical Stimulation of the Ear in Tinnitus Patients—A Pilot Study




In our clinic invasive transtympanal promontory positive DC stimulations were first used, with a success rate of 42%. However, non-invasive hydrotransmissive negative DC stimulations are now favored, with improvement being obtained in 37.8% directly after the treatment, and 51.3% in a follow up 1 month after treatment. The further improvement after 1 month may be due to neuroplastic changes at central level as a result of altered peripheral input. The aim of the study was to determine how/whether a single electrical stimulation of the ear influences cortical activity, and whether changes observed in tinnitus after electrical stimulation are associated with any changes in cortical activity recorded in EEG. The study included 12 tinnitus patients (F–6, M-6) divided into two groups. Group I comprised six patients with unilateral tinnitus - unilateral, ipsilateral ES was performed. Group II comprised six patients with bilateral tinnitus—bilateral ES was performed. ES was performed using a custom-made apparatus. The active, silver probe—was immersed inside the external ear canal filled with saline. The passive electrode was placed on the forehead. The stimulating frequency was 250 Hz, the intensity ranged from 0.14 to 1.08 mA. The voltage was kept constant at 3 V. The duration of stimulation was 4 min. The EEG recording (Deymed QEST 32) was performed before and after ES. The patients assessed the intensity of tinnitus on the VAS 1-10. Results: In both groups an improvement in VAS was observed—in group I—in five ears (83.3%), in group II—in seven ears (58.3%). In Group I, a significant increase in the upper and lower limit frequency of alpha band was observed in the central temporal and frontal regions following ES. These changes, however, were not correlated with improvement in tinnitus. No significant changes were observed in the beta and theta bands and in group II. Preliminary results of our research reveal a change in cortical activity after electrical stimulations of the ear. However, it remains unclear if it is primary or secondary to peripheral auditory excitation. No similar studies had been found in the literature.
机译:在我们的临床中,首先使用侵入性鼓室海角阳性DC刺激,成功率为42%。然而,无创透水负性直流电刺激现在受到青睐,治疗后直接改善率为37.8%,治疗后1个月的随访率为51.3%。 1个月后的进一步改善可能是由于周围输入改变导致中枢神经塑形改变。该研究的目的是确定对耳朵的单次电刺激如何/是否影响皮层活动,以及电刺激后耳鸣的变化是否与脑电图记录的皮层活动的任何变化相关。该研究包括12名耳鸣患者(F-6,M-6),分为两组。第一组包括六例单侧耳鸣患者-进行了单侧同侧ES。第二组包括6例双侧耳鸣患者-进行了双侧ES。使用定制设备进行ES。有源的银探头浸入充满盐水的外耳道内部。将无源电极放在额头上。刺激频率为250 Hz,强度范围为0.14至1.08 mA。电压保持恒定在3V。刺激时间为4分钟。在ES前后进行EEG记录(Deymed QEST ​​32)。患者评估了VAS 1-10上的耳鸣强度。结果:两组均观察到VAS改善-在I组中,五只耳朵(83.3%),在II组中-七只耳朵(58.3%)。在第一组中,在ES后中央颞部和额叶区域观察到α带的上限和下限频率显着增加。但是,这些变化与耳鸣的改善无关。在β和θ带以及第二组中没有观察到显着变化。我们研究的初步结果揭示了在电刺激耳朵后皮质活动的变化。然而,尚不清楚它是外周听觉刺激的主要还是次要的。文献中未发现类似研究。



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