首页> 外文期刊>Food Science and Technology (Campinas) >Bioactive compounds and chemical composition of Brazilian Cerrado fruits’ wastes: pequi almonds, murici, and sweet passionfruit seeds

Bioactive compounds and chemical composition of Brazilian Cerrado fruits’ wastes: pequi almonds, murici, and sweet passionfruit seeds




Pequi, murici and sweet passionfruit are typical fruits from Brazilian Cerrado, which stand out for their sensory attributes such as color, flavor and aroma, in addition to their high nutritional value. Their seeds are by-products from the industrial processing of juices, pulps, jellies, and others, and have great exploitation potential due to their high oil content and the presence of bioactive compounds. The present work aimed to evaluate the chemical composition of pequi almonds, and of murici and sweet passionfruit seeds, and also to quantify the total phenolic compounds, carotenoids, anthocyanins and antioxidant activity by the scavenging activity of ?DPPH method. Concerning the chemical composition, pequi almonds presented the highest concentration of lipids (50%), followed by sweet passionfruit (30%) and murici seeds (15%). The almonds from pequi fruit showed the greatest content of protein (33.3%) followed by sweet passionfruit seeds (15%), which presented the highest amount of fiber (41.3%). Murici seeds exhibited the highest content of carbohydrates (46.4%). Pequi almonds had the greatest content of the following minerals, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, and sodium, and anthocyanins (14.4 mg CYG/100 g d.b.). Sweet passionfruit seeds presented the greatest amount of calcium, and also had the highest carotenoid content (9 mg/100 g d.b.). Murici seeds showed the highest potential for bioactive compounds, with 404 mg GAE/100 g d.b. and 81% of scavenging activity for the ?DPPH. The results demonstrated that the studied seeds have the potential to be sources for new product development, such as oil.
机译:Pequi,murici和甜百香果是巴西Cerrado的典型水果,除了具有很高的营养价值外,还因其感官特性(如颜色,风味和香气)而脱颖而出。他们的种子是果汁,果肉,果冻等的工业加工副产品,由于它们的高油含量和生物活性化合物的存在,具有很大的开发潜力。本工作旨在评估pequi杏仁,murici和甜西番莲种子的化学成分,并通过ΔDPPH方法的清除活性来定量总酚类化合物,类胡萝卜素,花色苷和抗氧化活性。关于化学成分,pequi杏仁的脂质含量最高(50%),其次是甜百香果(30%)和murici种子(15%)。来自pequi水果的杏仁蛋白含量最高(33.3%),其次是甜百香果种子(15%),其纤维含量最高(41.3%)。穆里奇种子表现出最高的碳水化合物含量(46.4%)。 Pequi杏仁中以下矿物质,钾,镁,硫,锰,锌,铜,铁和钠以及花青素的含量最高(14.4 mg CYG / 100 g d.b.)。甜西番莲种子的钙含量最高,并且类胡萝卜素含量最高(9 mg / 100 g d.b.)。穆里奇种子表现出最高的生物活性化合物潜力,为404 mg GAE / 100 gd.b。对βDPPH的清除活性为81%。结果表明,所研究的种子有可能成为新产品开发的来源,例如石油。



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