首页> 外文期刊>Global Pediatric Health >Cardiovascular Responses to Psychosocial Stress Reflect Motivation State in Adults Born at Extremely Low Birth Weight:

Cardiovascular Responses to Psychosocial Stress Reflect Motivation State in Adults Born at Extremely Low Birth Weight:




Background. Adults born extremely preterm appear to have more difficulty managing the stresses of early adulthood than their term-born peers. Objective. To examine the effects of being born at extremely low birth weight (ELBW; birth weight 1000 g) versus at full term on cardiovascular responses to stress. Method. Cardiovascular responses were elicited during administration of a widely used laboratory stressor, the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). Results. Term-born adults exhibited a larger decrease in total peripheral resistance and larger increase in cardiac output for TSST performance, reflecting greater resilience, than did ELBW adults. Furthermore, in ELBW participants but not controls, cardiovascular responses were correlated with anxiety, suggesting that their responses reflected feelings of stress. Conclusions. Skills-training and practice with relevant stressors may be necessary to increase the personal resources of ELBW participants for managing stress as they transition to adulthood.
机译:背景。与早产的同龄人相比,极早产的成年人似乎更难以控制成年早期的压力。目的。要检查出生时体重极低(ELBW;出生体重<1000 g)与足月出生对心血管对压力的反应的影响。方法。给予广泛使用的实验室应激源Trier社会应激测试(TSST)时会引起心血管反应。结果。与ELBW成年人相比,足月成年人的TSST表现出总外周阻力下降更大,心输出量增加更大,反映出更大的弹性。此外,在ELBW参与者而非对照组中,心血管反应与焦虑相关,这表明他们的反应反映了压力感。结论。可能需要进行有关压力源的技能培训和实践,以增加ELBW参与者在过渡到成年期时应对压力的个人资源。



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