首页> 外文期刊>Galaxies >Exploring the Behaviour of Long Gamma-Ray Bursts with Intrinsic Afterglow Correlations: log L 200s ?α >200s

Exploring the Behaviour of Long Gamma-Ray Bursts with Intrinsic Afterglow Correlations: log L 200s ?α >200s

机译:探索具有固有余辉相关性的长伽马射线爆发的行为:log L 200s?α> 200s



In these proceedings, we summarise the exploration so far of the relationship between the afterglow luminosity (measured at rest frame 200s; log L 200 s ) and average afterglow decay rate (measured from rest frame 200s onwards, α > 200 s ) of long duration Gamma-ray Bursts (GRBs), first reported in the optical/UV light curves of GRB afterglows. We show that this correlation is also present in the X-ray afterglows of GRBs as observed by Swift -XRT. We explore how the parameters of the correlation observed in both the X-ray and optical/UV light curves relate to each other and the prompt emission phase and whether these correlations are consistent with predictions of the standard afterglow model. We find that the observed correlations are consistent with a common underlying physical mechanism producing GRBs and their afterglows regardless of the detailed temporal behaviour. However, a basic afterglow model has difficulty explaining all the observed correlations. This leads us to briefly discuss alternative more complex models.
机译:在这些程序中,我们总结了到目前为止的余辉发光度(在静止帧200s时测量; log L 200 s)与平均余辉衰减率(从静止帧200s以后测量,α> 200 s)之间的关系的探索。伽玛射线暴(GRB),首先在GRB余辉的光学/紫外线曲线中报告。我们显示出这种相关性也存在于Swift -XRT所观测到的GRB的X射线余辉中。我们探索在X射线和光学/ UV光曲线中观察到的相关性参数如何相互关联以及即时发射阶段,以及这些相关性是否与标准余辉模型的预测一致。我们发现,所观察到的相关性与产生GRB及其余辉的常见基本物理机制是一致的,而与详细的时间行为无关。但是,基本的余辉模型很难解释所有观察到的相关性。这使我们简要讨论了更复杂的替代模型。



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