首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Microbiology Research >Evaluation of efficacy of some botanicals and bioagents against stalk and ear rot pathogen of maize, Fusarium verticillioides

Evaluation of efficacy of some botanicals and bioagents against stalk and ear rot pathogen of maize, Fusarium verticillioides




The efficacy of some botanicals and bio-agents were assessed in vitro as the potential biofungicides against Fusarium verticillioides, the causal organism of stalk rot disease of maize plant. The botanicals used in this study were Morinda lucida (Oruwo) and Tithonia diversifolia (Mexican Sunflower) and the bio-agents used were Trichoderma viride, Trichoderma harzianum, Trichoderma pseudokoningii and Bacillius subtilis. All the plant extracts and antagonistic organisms significantly inhibited the growth of Fusarium verticillioides. However, out of the antagonists, T. viride provided the highest inhibitory effect followed by T. pseudokoningii, T. harzianum, and B. subtilis which was the lowest suppressive antagonist. The extract from T. diversifolia, provided the highest inhibitory effect followed by M. lucida.
机译:体外评估了一些植物药和生物制剂的功效,将其作为潜在的生物杀真菌剂来对抗小麦枯萎病的病原生物-镰孢镰刀菌。在这项研究中使用的植物药是巴戟天(Orinwo)和紫花苜蓿(Ththonia diversifolia)(墨西哥向日葵),所用的生物制剂是里氏木霉,哈茨木霉,假木霉和枯草芽孢杆菌。所有的植物提取物和拮抗生物均能显着抑制褐斑镰刀菌的生长。然而,在拮抗物中,绿体棉杆菌提供最高的抑制作用,其次是假单胞菌,哈茨木霉和枯草芽孢杆菌,它们是抑制性最低的拮抗剂。 T. diversifolia的提取物具有最高的抑制作用,其次是M. lucida。



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