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The pedagogical effect of a health education application for deaf and hard of hearing students in elementary schools




Background Deaf or hard-of-hearing children experience difficulties in learning health principles. But technology has significantly improved their ability to learn. The challenge in e-learning is to design attractive applications while having an educational aspect. Objective The aims of this study were to determine the pedagogical effectiveness of a health education application for deaf and hard of hearing students in elementary schools, and to investigate the student’s perceptions in different educational grades about the educational effectiveness of the text, graphics, video clips, and animation in the application. Methods The study design was quasi experimental and was conducted in Mashhad in 2016. Study population were deaf or hard-of-hearing students in elementary schools. The intervention included health application training to deaf and hard-of-hearing students in Mashhad. A questionnaire was used for data gathering. The pedagogical effectiveness was determined by measuring the modified Adapted Pedagogical Index. This index was created based on the characteristics of the application and study population. Statistical analysis was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann–Whitney tests with Bonferroni adjustment by SPSS 22. Results Eighty-two students participated in the intervention. The value of modified Adapted Pedagogical Index was 0.669, indicating that the application was effective. The results of Kruskal-Wallis H and Mann–Whitney U test showed significant differences in different educational grades. (p<0.008) Conclusion Using information technology can improve the education of deaf and hard-of-hearing students. Modified Adapted Pedagogical Index can be used for evaluation of non-interactive applications for elementary school children who are deaf or hard of hearing.
机译:背景聋哑或有听力障碍的孩子在学习健康原理时遇到困难。但是技术极大地提高了他们的学习能力。电子学习的挑战在于设计具有吸引力的应用程序,同时又具有教育意义。目的本研究的目的是确定健康教育应用程序对小学聋哑学生和听力障碍学生的教学效果,并调查学生在不同教育年级对文本,图形,视频剪辑的教育效果的看法。 ,以及应用程序中的动画。方法:研究设计是准实验性研究,于2016年在马什哈德进行。研究人群为小学聋哑或听力障碍学生。干预措施包括对马什哈德的聋人和听力障碍学生进行健康应用培训。使用问卷调查收集数据。通过测量修改后的适应性教学指数来确定教学效果。该索引是根据应用程序和研究人群的特征创建的。使用SPSS 22进行的Bonferroni调整,使用Kruskal-Wallis和Mann-Whitney检验进行统计分析。结果八十二名学生参加了干预。修改后的适应性教育指数的值为0.669,表明该申请有效。 Kruskal-Wallis H和Mann-Whitney U检验的结果表明,不同的教育年级存在显着差异。 (p <0.008)结论使用信息技术可以改善聋人和听力障碍学生的教育。修改后的适应性教学法指数可用于评估聋人或重听小学生的非交互式应用程序。



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