首页> 外文期刊>American journal of men’s health. >Same-Sex Sexual Behaviors Among Male Migrants in a Context of Male “Marriage Squeeze”: Results From an Exploratory Survey in Urban Xi’an, China

Same-Sex Sexual Behaviors Among Male Migrants in a Context of Male “Marriage Squeeze”: Results From an Exploratory Survey in Urban Xi’an, China




The male marriage squeeze in China may increase the prevalence of male same-sex sexual behaviors among unmarried male migrants who lack stable female sexual partners. The same-sex sexual behaviors among unmarried male migrants appear to be at high risk of transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), mainly because of a lack of knowledge of these diseases. Using data from the “Survey on Reproductive Health and Family Life of Migrant Male Bachelors in Urban Areas” conducted in Xi’an City, Shaanxi Province, in December 2009 and January 2010, this study compares same-sex sexual behaviors of unmarried with that of married male migrants (including married but separated men who are migrating without their spouse or partner and cohabitating men who are migrating with their spouse or partner). It is reported that the prevalence of same-sex sexual behaviors among unmarried males reaches 11%, more than twice the 5.1% reported by married but separated men and thrice the 3.8% reported by cohabitating men. It also appears that the same-sex sexual behaviors is significantly associated with men’s attitudes toward same-sex sexual behaviors (odds ratio = 1.59, p < .001), toward life-long bachelorhood (odds ratio = 1.35, p < .01), and with marital status (odds ratio = 0.37, p < .01). The frequency of condom use appears to be higher among unmarried men than among men who are married, whether or not they migrated with their wives, and is significantly associated with scores on knowledge about HIV/AIDS (estimated coefficient = .12, p < .001) and STIs (estimated coefficient = .22, p < .01). It is also associated with the likelihood of same-sex sexual behaviors (estimated coefficients = .83, p < .01) and marital status (estimated coefficients for married but separated = ?.50, p < .05; estimated coefficients for cohabitating = ?.77, p < .001).
机译:在中国,男性婚姻挤压可能会增加缺乏稳定的女性性伴侣的未婚男性移民中男性同性性行为的发生率。未婚男性移民中的同性性行为似乎具有传播人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)和性传播感染(STIs)的高风险,这主要是由于对这些疾病的了解不足。根据2009年12月和2010年1月在陕西省西安市进行的“城市外来流动人口学士生殖健康和家庭生活调查”数据,本研究比较了未婚和未婚同性性行为。已婚男性移民(包括已婚但失散的男性,他们在没有配偶或伴侣的情况下移民,以及同居男性在与配偶或伴侣一起移民)。据报道,未婚男性中同性性行为的患病率达到11%,是已婚但分居男性的5.1%的两倍多,是同居男性的3.8%的三倍。同样,同性性行为与男人对待同性性行为的态度(比值比= 1.59,p <.001)和终身单身汉(比值比= 1.35,p <.01)明显相关,并且处于婚姻状况(赔率= 0.37,p <.01)。无论未婚男子是否与妻子一起迁移,未婚男子使用避孕套的频率似乎都比已婚男子更高,并且与艾滋病毒/艾滋病知识得分显着相关(估计系数= .12,p <。 001)和STI(估计系数= .22,p <.01)。它还与同性性行为的可能性(估计系数= .83,p <.01)和婚姻状况(已婚但分居的估计系数= .50,p <.05;同居的估计系数= ?.77,p <.001)。



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