首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Occupational Hygiene >Ranking of Metro Corridors Basing on Environmental and Occupational Health Impacts in a Construction Organization in India, Using Madm Approach

Ranking of Metro Corridors Basing on Environmental and Occupational Health Impacts in a Construction Organization in India, Using Madm Approach




Infrastructure development being the major construction activity undertaken with the support of the Government to eradicate poor transport infrastructure, to cater to ever-increasing population, to reduce the usage of own vehicle and environmental impact thereof, the concept of mass rapid transit system came into existence. Among the various mass rapid transit system modes, Metro rail construction was picked up in several cities in India. The execution of metro rail involves many painstaking occupational and health issues for its employees and citizens. Simultaneous construction across the various locations along a particular corridor is adapted to provide efficient transportation to outer fringes of a city. This study was conducted in a construction organization involved in metro works in various corridors, to ascertain the priority corridor in a based on the environmental and occupational concerns in a particular city by using multiple attribute decision making approach. Results show environmental impacts varies among metro corridors. The contribution of the study will help clients, management and Government to frame safety policy to minimize effects on public health and employees.



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