首页> 外文期刊>Indian journal of Anaesthesia >Effect of different doses of intrathecal nalbuphine as adjuvant to ropivacaine in elective lower limb surgeries: A dose finding study

Effect of different doses of intrathecal nalbuphine as adjuvant to ropivacaine in elective lower limb surgeries: A dose finding study




Background and Aim: Nalbuphine as an adjuvant intrathecally can produce significant analgesia with minimal side effects. However, no research has been done with isobaric ropivacaine. We, therefore, in this prospective, randomised double-blind study tried to find the optimal dose of intrathecal nalbuphine with isobaric 0.75% ropivacaine for elective lower limb surgeries. Materials and Methods: One hundred American Society of Anaesthesiologists I and II patients undergoing elective lower limb surgery were divided into four groups randomly: groups A, B, C and D, who received 0.5 mL normal saline or 0.4, 0.8 and 1.6 mg nalbuphine made up to 0.5 mL normal saline added to 22.5 mg (total volume 3.5 mL) isobaric 0.75% ropivacaine, respectively. The onset of sensory and motor block, two-segment regression time, duration of sensory and motor block, Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and the incidence of adverse effects were compared between the groups. Results: The onset of both sensory and motor blockade was faster with addition of 0.4, 0.8 and 1.6 mg of nalbuphine when compared with ropivacaine alone; however, it was not statistically significant (P 0.05). Two-segment regression time and duration of analgesia and motor blockade were highest with 1.6 mg of nalbuphine followed by 0.8, 0.4 and plain 0.75% ropivacaine (P 0.05). The duration of sensory blockade in all four groups was slightly more than the duration of motor blockade. VAS readings were comparable in all nalbuphine groups when compared with ropivacaine group. Haemodynamic variability among the four groups was comparable. Incidence of adverse effects was highest in the 1.6-mg group when compared with others, although it was statistically insignificant (P 0.05). Conclusion: Nalbuphine can be a good alternative to other opioids as an adjuvant intrathecally to prolong postoperative analgesia with a minimal side effect profile. Addition of nalbuphine to isobaric 0.75% ropivacaine gives the added advantage of significant analgesia with early motor recovery. We infer from our study that when compared with 1.6 mg of nalbuphine, both 0.4 and 0.8 mg nalbuphine are equally good as adjuvants to isobaric 0.75% ropivacaine in elective lower limb surgeries with prolonged analgesia, a reliable block with equal efficacy but with lesser side effects.
机译:背景与目的:纳布啡作为鞘内佐剂可产生明显的镇痛作用,且副作用最小。但是,尚未进行同量异位罗哌卡因的研究。因此,在这项前瞻性,随机,双盲研究中,我们试图找到鞘内纳布啡与等压0.75%罗哌卡因的最佳剂量,以进行选择性下肢手术。材料与方法:将一百名美国麻醉医师学会的I,II期接受选择性下肢手术的患者随机分为四组:A,B,C和D组,分别接受0.5 mL生理盐水或0.4、0.8和1.6 mg纳布啡制成分别向22.5 mg(总体积为3.5 mL)等压的0.75%罗哌卡因中添加多达0.5 mL生理盐水。比较两组之间的感觉和运动阻滞的发作,两段回归时间,感觉和运动阻滞的持续时间,视觉模拟量表(VAS)和不良反应的发生率。结果:与单独使用罗哌卡因相比,添加0.4、0.8和1.6 mg纳布啡时,感觉和运动阻滞的发作更快。但是,这在统计学上没有统计学意义(P 0.05)。两段消退时间和镇痛和运动阻滞持续时间最高,纳布啡1.6 mg,其次是罗哌卡因0.8、0.4和普通0.75%(P <0.05)。在所有四个组中,感觉障碍的持续时间略大于运动障碍的持续时间。与罗哌卡因组相比,所有纳布啡组的VAS读数均相当。四组之间的血流动力学变异性具有可比性。与其他组相比,在1.6 mg组中不良反应的发生率最高,尽管在统计学上无统计学意义(P 0.05)。结论:纳布啡作为鞘内辅助剂可以很好地替代其他阿片类药物,以延长术后镇痛,且副作用最小。异丁酸0.75%罗哌卡因中添加纳布啡可带来明显的镇痛效果,并具有早期运动恢复的优势。从我们的研究中可以推断,当与选择性地下肢手术(延长镇痛)相比,与1.6 mg纳布啡相比,0.4和0.8 mg纳布啡在异丁酸0.75%罗哌卡因的佐剂中均好,这是一种可靠的疗法,具有相同的疗效,但副作用较小。



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