首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine >Classification of Morbidity (Nosology) - Understanding and interpretations from Ayurveda and Biomedicine

Classification of Morbidity (Nosology) - Understanding and interpretations from Ayurveda and Biomedicine




The term Nosology refers to the science of classification of disease. Developments in area represent heterogeneous process spanning across long timelines and geographical areas. Descriptions of Classification of disease are well documented in Ayurveda codified texts and presents compact classification methodology from the very division of medical specialties in to 8 types ( Ashtangas ) which include kayacikitsa (general medicine), Shalya (surgery), Shalakya (ear, nose, throat, dental and diseases of head), Balaroga (Pediatrics), etc., The same is followed for the categorization of diseases too. Apart from this the basis of understanding diseases is pathophysiological ( dosha-dhatu-mala ) and the analysis is based up on Triskandha (three arms) 1. Hetu (cause), 2. Linga (presentation) and 3. Aushadha (suitable regimen). This is a distinct feature which carves out a niche for Ayurveda in terms of Nosological advantage. Greeco roman medicine started documenting classification of diseases from 16 th century The events showcae a transition from Magical remedies to Biographical approach and finally to the Nosological approach which has finally lead to the development of current Biomedicine. Now we are heading for a major revision of ICD-10, which is going to be functional from the year 2014, which is likely to be followed by another major revision ICD-11 (to include standard terminology of some of the alternative medical systems like Chinese and Korean medicine.) An attempt is made in this article to document the chronicle of developments which has led to current International Classification of Diseases (ICD).
机译:术语“疾病学”是指疾病分类的科学。区域的发展代表了跨越较长时间和地理区域的异构过程。阿育吠陀(Ayurveda)编纂文本充分记载了疾病的分类说明,并提供了从医学专科划分为8种类型(Ashtangas)的紧凑分类方法,其中包括kayacikitsa(普通药物),Shalya(外科手术),Shalakya(耳,鼻,喉咙,牙齿和头部疾病),巴拉鲁加(儿科)等,疾病分类也遵循同样的方法。除此之外,了解疾病的基础是病理生理学(dosha-dhatu-mala),并且分析基于Triskandha(三臂)1. Hetu(原因),2。Linga(演示)和3. Aushadha(适当的治疗方案) 。这是一个独特的功能,就Nosological优势而言,它为Ayurveda开辟了一个利基市场。 Greeco罗马医学从16世纪开始记录疾病分类。这些事件表明,从魔术疗法到传记方法的转变,最终是向Nosologic方法的转变,这最终导致了当前生物医学的发展。现在,我们将要对ICD-10进行重大修订,该版本将从2014年开始运行,随后很可能还会对ICD-11进行另一项重大修订(包括一些替代性医疗系统的标准术语,例如本文将尝试记录导致当前国际疾病分类(ICD)的发展历史。



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