首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity >Parental self-efficacy in childhood overweight: validation of the Lifestyle Behavior Checklist in the Netherlands

Parental self-efficacy in childhood overweight: validation of the Lifestyle Behavior Checklist in the Netherlands




Background Evaluating whether parental challenges and self-efficacy toward managing children’s lifestyle behaviors are successfully addressed by interventions requires valid instruments. The Lifestyle Behavior Checklist (LBC) has recently been developed in the Australian context. It consists of two subscales: the Problem scale, which measures parental perceptions of children’s behavioral problems related to overweight and obesity, and the Confidence scale, measuring parental self-efficacy in dealing with these problems. The aim of the current study was to systematically translate the questionnaire into Dutch and to evaluate its internal consistency, construct validity and test-retest reliability. Methods The LBC was systematically translated by four experts at Maastricht University. In total, 392 parents of 3-to13-year-old children were invited to fill out two successive online questionnaires with a two-week interval. Of these, 273 parents responded to the first questionnaire (test, response rate = 69.6%), and of the 202 who could be invited for the second questionnaire (retest), 100 responded (response rate = 49.5%). We assessed the questionnaire’s internal consistency (Cronbach’s α), construct validity (Spearman’s Rho correlation tests, using the criterion measures: restrictiveness, nurturance, and psychological control), and test-retest reliability (Spearman’s Rho correlation tests). Results Both scales had high internal consistency (Cronbach’s α ≥ 0.90). Spearman correlation coefficients indicated acceptable test-retest reliability for both the Problem scale (rs = 0.74) and the Confidence scale (rs = 0.70). The LBC Problem scale was significantly correlated to all criterion scales (nurturance, restrictiveness, psychological control) in the hypothesized direction, and the LBC Confidence scale was significantly correlated with nurturance and psychological control in the hypothesized direction, but not with restrictiveness. Conclusions The Dutch translation of the LBC was found to be a reliable and reasonably valid questionnaire to measure parental perceptions of children’s weight-related problem behavior and the extent to which parents feel confident to manage these problems.
机译:背景技术评估干预措施能否成功解决父母应对孩子的生活方式的挑战和自我效能,需要有效的手段。生活方式行为清单(LBC)最近是在澳大利亚范围内制定的。它由两个子量表组成:“问题量表”和“信心量表”,该量表用于衡量父母对与超重和肥胖有关的儿童行为问题的看法,而“信心量表”用于衡量父母处理这些问题的自我效能。当前研究的目的是系统地将调查表翻译成荷兰语,并评估其内部一致性,结构效度和重测信度。方法LBC由马斯特里赫特大学的四名专家系统地翻译。总共邀请了392名3至13岁儿童的父母,以两周为间隔填写两份连续的在线问卷。其中,有273位父母回答了第一份问卷(测试,回复率为69.6%),有202位可以被邀请参加第二份问卷(重新测试)的父母,有100位回复了(回复率为49.5%)。我们评估了问卷的内部一致性(Cronbach'sα),构造效度(Spearman的Rho相关测试,使用标准度量:限制性,养育和心理控制),以及重测信度(Spearman的Rho相关测试)。结果两种量表的内部一致性都很高(克朗巴赫α≥0.90)。 Spearman相关系数表明问题量表(rs = 0.74)和置信度量表(rs = 0.70)的可接受的重测信度。 LBC问题量表在假设的方向上与所有标准量表(养育,限制,心理控制)显着相关,LBC信心量表在假设的方向上与养育和心理控制显着相关,但与限制性无关。结论LBC的荷兰语翻译是一种可靠且合理有效的问卷,用于衡量父母对孩子与体重有关的问题行为的理解以及父母对解决这些问题的信心的程度。



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