首页> 外文期刊>Infection and Drug Resistance >Successful surgical management of invasive pulmonary fungal infection in patients with leukemia

Successful surgical management of invasive pulmonary fungal infection in patients with leukemia




Background: Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) is an opportunistic fungal infection affecting patients who are undergoing chemotherapy for hematological malignancies, have hematopoietic stem cell transplants, and are immunosuppressed. Surgical treatment for IPA is remains challenging and controversial due to the potentially high risk of mortality and morbidity. Methods: We discuss 4 leukemia patients who underwent surgery for IPA in our hospital who were successfully treated with curative lobectomy or wedge resection. All patients had uneventful postoperative courses, and all resumed long-term follow-up for their leukemia. Results: All patients have suffered at least once of hemoptysis with radiological findings of lung nodules appearing as ovoid soft-tissue opacities in the lung parenchyma and had undergone antifungal agent treatment for at least 2 weeks. The symptoms and infection sites were not better. Lobectomy was performed in 3 cases and wedge resection in 1 case. Two of the cases suffered Aspergillus infection, 1 suffered Trichoderma and 1 suffered Candida albicans. Median hospital stay after surgery was 17.25 days. There was only 1 patient who had prolonged air leak (n=1; 25%) with empyema. There were no mortalities during the perioperative period or within 30 days of surgery, all patients survived without recurrence and resumed anti-leukemia treatment as soon as possible. Conclusion: Surgical resection of focal invasive pulmonary aspergillosis can be a safe and feasible treatment option in appropriately selected cases.
机译:背景:侵袭性肺曲霉病(IPA)是一种机会性真菌感染,会影响正在接受化疗的血液系统恶性肿瘤,造血干细胞移植以及免疫抑制的患者。由于死亡率和发病率的潜在高风险,IPA的外科治疗仍然具有挑战性和争议性。方法:我们讨论了4例在我院接受IPA手术的白血病患者,这些患者通过根治性肺叶切除术或楔形切除术成功治愈。所有患者的术后病程都很顺利,并且都恢复了对白血病的长期随访。结果:所有患者均经历了咯血至少一次,放射影像学发现肺结节在肺实质中表现为卵形软组织混浊,并接受了抗真菌剂治疗至少2周。症状和感染部位都没有好转。行肺叶切除3例,行楔形切除1例。其中2例感染了曲霉菌,1例感染了木霉菌,1例感染了白色念珠菌。手术后的中位住院时间为17.25天。只有1名患者因脓胸而长时间漏气(n = 1; 25%)。围手术期或手术后30天内无死亡病例,所有患者均存活下来且未复发,并尽快恢复抗白血病治疗。结论:焦侵袭性肺曲霉的手术切除可以在适当选择的情况下,安全可行的治疗选择。



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