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Is NDM-1 actually being imported to UK from India?




A recent article in Lancet Infectious Diseases suggested that Enterobacteriaceae containing New Delhi metallo-βlactamase (NDM-1) gene were being imported into UK from India. Since the study findings had widespread public health implications, it was necessary to scrutinise the adequacy of the evidence. The article was critically appraised on epidemiological, biological, and molecular evidence, the ethical principle of research, potential conflict of interest, and the justifiability of the recommendations. The study design was inappropriate to establish a causal chain between hospitalization in India and importation of NDM-1 in UK. Out of the total 29 NDM-1 positive UK patients, the NDM-1 gene was present in equal proportion among those who were hospitalized in India (44.3%) and those who were not (51.7%). Statistically significant strain relatedness between Indian and UK isolates could not be proved through dendrogram. There was a potential conflict of interest that was not disclosed. We found that the study findings did not support the authors' conclusion that India was a source for NDM-1 positive UK patients. Misplaced conclusions had the potential to cause unfounded scare and panic.
机译:《柳叶刀传染病》(Lancet Infectious Diseases)上的一篇最新文章建议将含有新德里金属β-内酰胺酶(NDM-1)基因的肠杆菌科细菌从印度进口到英国。由于研究结果具有广泛的公共卫生影响,因此有必要仔细审查证据的充分性。文章对流行病学,生物学和分子证据,研究的伦理原则,潜在的利益冲突以及建议的合理性进行了严格评估。该研究设计不适合在印度住院和英国进口NDM-1之间建立因果关系。在英国全部29名NDM-1阳性患者中,印度住院患者(44.3%)和未住院患者(51.7%)中NDM-1基因的存在比例相同。不能通过树状图证明印度和英国分离株之间具有统计学意义的菌株相关性。存在未披露的潜在利益冲突。我们发现研究结果不支持作者的结论,即印度是NDM-1阳性英国患者的来源。错误的结论可能导致毫无根据的恐慌和恐慌。



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