首页> 外文期刊>Asian Journal of Medical Sciences >Impact of formative assessment on the outcome of summative assessment – a feedback based cross sectional study conducted among basic science medical students enrolled in MD program

Impact of formative assessment on the outcome of summative assessment – a feedback based cross sectional study conducted among basic science medical students enrolled in MD program




Background: Assessment is an integral part of all forms of learning. Formative assessment in different forms have evolved as a mean to find the learning gaps (what students already know in compare to what they need to know). As a result it becomes possible to give appropriate feedback to the students to close this gap. Summative assessment on the other hand is purposefully designed to make judgments about students’ performance and produce grades.Aims and Objectives: The main purpose of this study is to explore students’ view with regards to the impact of formative assessment on the outcome of summative assessment in basic science MD program.Materials and Methods: A cross sectional descriptive study was conducted involving 142 students of an International medical school. A questionnaire was designed, pretested, and finally used to record different opinions of the students and data was collected, analyzed, and interpreted.Results: Majority of the respondents (78%) favored that the feedback collected from formative assessment remains important for them as it helps to fill their learning gaps. Respondents by large (76.8%) also agreed that formative assessment helps the faculty to identify student’s weak point. A huge percentage (80.8%) of respondents was in agreement that formative assessment inspires them for deep learning and regular study. However, a fair number of respondents (36.4%) thought that frequently scheduled formative assessment impede their independent learning thus negatively impact their performance in summative exam.Conclusion: Formative assessment if scheduled properly can have a positive impact on the summative assessment.Asian Journal of Medical Sciences Vol.8(4) 2017 38-43
机译:背景:评估是所有形式学习的组成部分。各种形式的形成性评估已发展为寻找学习差距的一种手段(与已知知识相比,学生已经知道的知识)。结果,有可能向学生提供适当的反馈以弥合这一差距。另一方面,总结性评估的目的是对学生的表现和成绩做出判断。目的和目标:本研究的主要目的是探讨学生关于形成性评估对总结性评估结果的影响的观点。材料与方法:进行了横断面描述性研究,涉及一所国际医学院的142名学生。设计,预先测试并最终用于收集学生不同意见的问卷,然后收集,分析和解释数据。结果:多数受访者(78%)赞成从形成性评估中收集的反馈对他们而言仍然很重要,因为它有助于填补他们的学习空白。大部分(76.8%)的受访者也同意,形成性评估有助于教师确定学生的弱点。很大比例的受访者(80.8%)同意形成性评估激励他们进行深度学习和定期学习。然而,相当多的受访者(36.4%)认为,频繁安排的形成性评估会阻碍他们的独立学习,因此会对他们在总结考试中的表现产生负面影响。医学科学Vol.8(4)2017 38-43



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