首页> 外文期刊>American Journal of Environmental Protection >Bacteriological Assessment of Drinking Water Supplied Inside the Government Schools of Patna District, Bihar, India

Bacteriological Assessment of Drinking Water Supplied Inside the Government Schools of Patna District, Bihar, India




Contamination in drinking water comes in several ways in which soil and fecal contamination are major with respect to microbial agents. The aim of the study was to assess the contamination status of drinking water use by the students in government schools of Patna district, Bihar India. Total 12 samples of 9 government schools were collected aseptically in a 60ml sterile plastic container for bacteriological analysis to determine their suitability for drinking. Water samples were collected aseptically into 60ml sterile plastic container at 9 different government school campus. Twelve samples were subjected to microbiological analysis in order to evaluate the quality of potable water in circulation within the school and identify its sources of contamination. Most probable number or multiple tube tests was applied to detect the presence of coliform in a drinking water sample. Analysis was performed using culture and biological methods. Out of 12 samples, 9 samples show high MPN value. Biochemical test confirms the presence of bacteria like “staphylococcus, klebsiella, salmonella” etc, are absorbs in the water samples. This study emphasizes the need for regular monitoring of water Supply system inside schools.



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