首页> 外文期刊>American journal of public health >Why Health Care Process Performance Measures Can Have Different Relationships to Outcomes for Patients and Hospitals: Understanding the Ecological Fallacy

Why Health Care Process Performance Measures Can Have Different Relationships to Outcomes for Patients and Hospitals: Understanding the Ecological Fallacy




Relationships between health care process performance measures (PPMs) and outcomes can differ in magnitude and even direction for patients versus higher level units (e.g., health care facilities). Such discrepancies can arise because facility-level relationships ignore PPM–outcome relationships for patients within facilities, may have different confounders than patient-level PPM–outcome relationships, and may reflect facility effect modification of patient PPM–outcome relationships. If a patient-level PPM is related to better patient outcomes, that care process should be encouraged. However, the finding in a multilevel analysis that the proportion of patients receiving PPM care across facilities nevertheless is linked to poor hospital outcomes would suggest that interventions targeting the health care facility also are needed. Many health care performance measures (PMs) quantify the extent to which a process of care that has been shown to cause or predict positive outcomes among participants in empirical studies is applied to patients in health care facilities (e.g., hospitals). 1 , 2 Such process performance measures (PPMs) are implemented on the assumption that processes of care linked to positive patient outcomes in clinical trials and other research will be associated with positive facility-level outcomes when the PPM is aggregated to the facility level as the proportion of patients receiving the PPM care. For example, it might be assumed that if coordinated care for a particular medical condition is linked to better outcomes for patients in randomized controlled trials, then health care facilities with higher levels of coordinated care for targeted patients should have higher proportions of patients with good outcomes. However, researchers who have investigated hospital- or facility-level PPM–outcome relationships sometimes have found that facility rates of PM-specified care are unrelated or only weakly related to facility-level outcomes. One example was reported by Bradley et al., 3 who examined National Quality Forum PPMs for treating patients with acute myocardial infarction. They found that higher rates of provision of the practices recommended by the National Quality Forum were at best only modestly related to lower hospital-level, risk-adjusted 30-day mortality rates among acute myocardial infarction patients from more than 900 hospitals. Werner and Bradlow 4 conducted a more comprehensive analysis of data from approximately 3600 acute care hospitals. Their findings showed that facilities in the top and bottom quartiles in terms of proportion of patients receiving processes of care recommended (by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations) for acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, and pneumonia differed only slightly in risk-adjusted 30-day and 1-year mortality rates. (At the facility and practice level, Lehrman et al. 5 and Sequist et al.6 also found weak relationships between clinical care quality and patient satisfaction.) Bradley et al.3 and Werner and Bradlow4 pointed to a variety of factors that may have accounted for the weak facility-level associations, including potential facility-level confounding factors (e.g., patient safety processes) and restricted variation across hospitals in the provision of certain practices (e.g., providing aspirin at admission to patients with acute myocardial infarction symptoms). Although Werner and Bradlow called for PPMs that are more strongly related to patient outcomes, neither they nor Bradley et al. considered that, even though facility-level performance on these care processes was only weakly associated with aggregated facility outcomes, patients who received this type of care may have had significantly better outcomes than patients who did not. We considered this apparent paradox in the context of the methodological literature on the ecological fallacy and cross-level bias that have been the focus of considerable work in such fields as epidemiology and sociology, 7 – 15 as well as the highly relevant statistical literature on multilevel analysis 16 – 18 that has been applied to address other issues in health care research, 19 – 21 including linking patient care processes to outcomes. 22 However, these issues have received scant attention in the quality literature on PPM–outcome relationships. 3 – 6 We used data on a PM for treatment retention among patients with substance use disorders to examine differences in patient- and facility-level PPM–outcome relationships. 23 We then examined how the literature on cross-level bias and multilevel analysis can explain otherwise puzzling differences in PPM–outcome relationships at different levels of analysis. Our goal was to explain these issues in a nontechnical way that is access
机译:相对于较高级别的单位(例如,医疗机构),医疗过程绩效评估(PPM)与结果之间的关系在大小甚至方向上可能会有所不同。之所以会出现这种差异,是因为设施级别的关系忽略了设施内患者的PPM-结果关系,可能与患者水平的PPM-结果关系存在不同的混杂因素,并且可能反映了设施对患者PPM-结果关系的影响。如果患者水平的PPM与更好的患者预后相关,则应鼓励该护理过程。但是,在多层次分析中发现,尽管在各个机构中接受PPM护理的患者比例仍与医院的不良结局有关,这表明还需要针对医疗机构的干预措施。许多医疗保健绩效衡量标准(PMs)量化了在经验研究中被证明可导致或预测积极结果的医疗过程应用于医疗保健设施(例如医院)患者的程度。 1 ,2 此类过程绩效衡量标准(PPM)的实施假设是,当PPM汇总到设施时,与临床试验和其他研究中患者阳性结果相关的护理过程将与设施水平阳性结果相关联水平作为接受PPM护理的患者比例。例如,可以假设,如果在随机对照试验中针对特定医学状况的协调治疗与患者更好的结局相关联,那么针对目标患者的协调治疗水平更高的医疗保健机构应有较高比例的患者具有良好的预后。但是,研究过医院或设施级PPM与结果关系的研究人员有时会发现,PM特定护理的设施率与设施级结果无关或仅弱相关。 Bradley等人, 3 报告了一个例子,他检查了National Quality Forum PPM来治疗急性心肌梗塞的患者。他们发现,全国质量论坛建议的更高实践提供率最多仅与900多家医院的急性心肌梗死患者的医院级,经风险调整的30天死亡率较低有关。 Werner和Bradlow 4 对来自大约3600家急诊医院的数据进行了更全面的分析。他们的研究结果表明,就接受急性心肌梗塞,心力衰竭和急性心力衰竭(由美国医疗保险和医疗补助服务中心以及医疗组织认可的联合委员会)推荐的护理程序的患者比例而言,位于最高和最低四分位数的设施肺炎的风险调整后30天和1年死亡率仅略有不同。 (在机构和实践层面,Lehrman等人 5 和Sequist等人 6 也发现临床护理质量和患者满意度之间的关系较弱。)Bradley等人。 3 以及Werner和Bradlow 4 指出了可能导致设施级别关联薄弱的各种因素,包括潜在的设施级别混杂因素(例如患者安全性)流程),并限制医院在某些实践中的差异(例如,在急性心肌梗塞症状患者入院时提供阿司匹林)。尽管Werner和Bradlow呼吁与患者预后更紧密相关的PPM,但他们和Bradley等人均未提出。他们认为,即使在这些护理过程中设施水平的表现与总体设施结局之间的关系微弱,但接受此类护理的患者可能比未接受此类护理的患者有明显更好的结局。我们在关于生态谬误和跨层次偏差的方法论文献的背景下考虑了这种明显的悖论,这些文献已成为流行病学和社会学, 7 – 15 以及关于多级分析的高度相关的统计文献 16 – 18 已用于解决卫生保健研究中的其他问题, 19 – 21 包括将患者护理过程与结果联系起来。 sup> 22 然而,这些问题在有关PPM与结果关系的质量文献中很少受到关注。 3 – 6 我们使用PM数据来对物质滥用障碍患者的治疗保留 23 然后,我们研究了跨层次偏见和多层次分析的文献如何解释不同层次上PPM与结果之间关系的令人困惑的差异分析。我们的目标是以非技术的方式解释这些问题,即访问



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