首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development >Factors likely to enhance mycotoxin introduction into the human diet through maize in Kenya

Factors likely to enhance mycotoxin introduction into the human diet through maize in Kenya




Moulds probably contaminate and spoil more foods than any other groups of microorganisms. They render contaminated food not only unpalatable, but also unsafe for consumption by producing toxins. In Kenya, several incidences of acute food poisoning due to mycotoxins have occurred, and especially through the staple food, maize. Chronic exposure to mycotoxins has been linked to liver cancer, hepatitis infections, impaired immunity and stunted growth in children. Several factors may enhance the occurrence of mycotoxin in the human diet in Kenya. These include eating habits, existing marketing problems which encourage long storage periods; the pre and post harvest practices that encourage build up of moisture and thus encourage mould growth; lack of preparedness in handling the large quantities of maize produced due to the success of hybrid maize technology, ignorance and poverty. This is aggravated by the fact that there are no strict regulations that impose limits on the concentration of mycotoxins in maize that is marketed in the country as well as lack of relevant technology required in monitoring fungi and mycotoxins in the grains. Mechanisms put in place to deal with such situations can be successful, only if the several factors that contribute towards this situation are well understood. The paper discusses these factors and gives some recommendations for action and further research. The recommendations include coming up with agronomic practices that discourage mould growth; improved pre and post harvest practices; nutritional education and induction of behavioural change as regards food habits; efficient and functioning systems of marketing and pricing of domestically consumed maize, especially within the East African Community; research to identify factors leading to S-strain dominance in semi-arid regions of Kenya; identification of non toxic strains that are highly effective against the S-strain; research on how malnutrition aggravates aflatoxicosis and use of additives and other methods for rendering poor quality grain safe for consumption. Keywords : diet, factors, hepatitis, maize, mycotoxins. AJFAND Vol. 8 (3) 2008: pp. 265-277
机译:霉菌可能比任何其他种类的微生物污染和破坏更多的食物。它们不仅使受污染的食物难吃,而且由于产生毒素而食用不安全。在肯尼亚,发生了数种由于霉菌毒素引起的急性食物中毒的事件,特别是通过主粮玉米。长期暴露于霉菌毒素与儿童的肝癌,肝炎感染,免疫力下降和发育迟缓有关。几个因素可能会增加肯尼亚人类饮食中霉菌毒素的发生。这些包括饮食习惯,现有的营销问题,这些问题会导致较长的存储时间;收获前和收获后的做法,鼓励水分积累,从而促进霉菌的生长;由于杂交玉米技术的成功,无知和贫穷,在处理大量玉米方面缺乏准备。由于没有严格的法规来限制该国销售的玉米中霉菌毒素的浓度,而且缺乏监测谷物中真菌和霉菌毒素所需的相关技术,这一事实使情况更加恶化。只有充分理解了造成这种情况的几个因素,为解决这种情况而建立的机制才能成功。本文讨论了这些因素,并为行动和进一步研究提供了一些建议。这些建议包括提出阻止霉菌生长的农艺方法;改进收获前和收获后的做法;在饮食习惯方面的营养教育和行为改变的诱导;国内消费的玉米的营销和定价的有效运作系统,特别是在东非共同体内;进行研究以找出导致肯尼亚半干旱地区S应变优势的因素;鉴定对S株高度有效的无毒株;研究营养不良如何加剧黄曲霉毒素中毒以及使用添加剂和其他方法使劣质谷物可以安全食用。关键词:饮食,因素,肝炎,玉米,霉菌毒素。 AJFAND卷8(3)2008:第265-277页



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