首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Biotechnology >Sensory evaluation of different preparations of cassava leaves from three species as a leafy vegetable

Sensory evaluation of different preparations of cassava leaves from three species as a leafy vegetable




Cassava leaves are largely consumed in Africa and are among the top three African indigenous vegetables rich in nutrients. Leaves from bitter (Manihot utilissima), sweet (Manihot dulcis) and wild (Manihot glaziovii) species of cassava were cooked by boiling in salted (sodium bicarbonate and table salt) water with the addition of palm oil and ground-nut paste, following processing? by “pounding”, “pounding and then drying” and, “drying and then pounding”. The drying was done in tunnel solar drier at temperature of 65°C on average. Nine samples (three species x three processing methods) were evaluated by 31 panelists, using a five point hedonic scale, where 5 = like very much and 1= dislike very much. Cassava species affected significantly (p = 0.0047; 0.0206) scoring for texture and overall acceptability, respectively, but not for colour, aroma and taste. Processing method highly significantly (p< 0.0001) affected all the sensory attributes scoring. Leaves from all three species were liked as leafy vegetable, except when pounded after drying.
机译:木薯叶在非洲大量消费,是非洲三大富含营养素的土著蔬菜之一。将木薯的苦味(Manihot utilissima),甜味(Manihot dulcis)和野生(Manihot glaziovii)的叶子煮熟,然后在加有棕榈油和花生酱的咸水(碳酸氢钠和食盐)中煮沸, ?通过“捣”,“捣然后干燥”和“烘干然后捣”。干燥在隧道式太阳能干燥机中平均温度为65°C进行。 31位小组成员使用五点享乐量表对9个样本(3种x 3种处理方法)进行了评估,其中5 =非常喜欢,1 =非常不喜欢。木薯品种对质地和总体可接受性的影响显着(p = 0.0047; 0.0206),但对颜色,香气和味道没有影响。加工方法极显着(p <0.0001)影响所有感官属性得分。除干燥后捣烂外,所有三个物种的叶子都喜欢作为多叶蔬菜。



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