首页> 外文期刊>Compositio mathematica >A C0-estimate for the parabolic Monge–Ampère equation on complete non-compact K?hler manifolds

A C0-estimate for the parabolic Monge–Ampère equation on complete non-compact K?hler manifolds




AbstractIn this article we study the K?hler–Ricci flow, the corresponding parabolic Monge–Ampère equation and complete non-compact K?hler–Ricci flat manifolds. Our main result states that if (M,g) is sufficiently close to being K?hler–Ricci flat in a suitable sense, then the K?hler–Ricci flow has a long time smooth solution g(t) converging smoothly uniformly on compact sets to a complete K?hler–Ricci flat metric on M. The main step is to obtain a uniform C0-estimate for the corresponding parabolic Monge–Ampère equation. Our results on this can be viewed as parabolic versions of the main results of Tian and Yau [Complete K?hler manifolds with zero Ricci curvature. II, Invent. Math. 106 (1990), 27–60] on the elliptic Monge–Ampère equation.
机译:摘要在本文中,我们研究了K?hler–Ricci流,相应的抛物线Monge–Ampère方程和完整的非紧实K?hler–Ricci平面流形。我们的主要结果表明,如果(M,g)在适当的意义上足够接近K?hler–Ricci平面,则K?hler–Ricci流具有长时间的光滑解g(t)均匀地收敛于紧实点在M上设置为完整的K?hler-Ricci平坦度量。主要步骤是为相应的抛物线式Monge-Ampère方程获得统一的C0估计。我们在此上得到的结果可以看作是Tian和Yau [Ricci曲率为零的完全K?hler流形的主要结果的抛物线版本。二,发明。数学。 106(1990),27–60]上的椭圆蒙格一安培方程。



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