首页> 外文期刊>Cryptography >Comparison of Cost of Protection against Differential Power Analysis of Selected Authenticated Ciphers

Comparison of Cost of Protection against Differential Power Analysis of Selected Authenticated Ciphers




Authenticated ciphers, which combine the cryptographic services of confidentiality, integrity, and authentication into one algorithmic construct, can potentially provide improved security and efficiencies in the processing of sensitive data. However, they are vulnerable to side-channel attacks such as differential power analysis (DPA). Although the Test Vector Leakage Assessment (TVLA) methodology has been used to confirm improved resistance of block ciphers to DPA after application of countermeasures, extension of TVLA to authenticated ciphers is non-trivial, since authenticated ciphers have expanded input and output requirements, complex interfaces, and long test vectors which include protocol necessary to describe authenticated cipher operations. In this research, we upgrade the FOBOS test architecture with capability to perform TVLA on authenticated ciphers. We show that FPGA implementations of the CAESAR Round 3 candidates ACORN, Ascon, CLOC (with AES and TWINE primitives), SILC (with AES, PRESENT, and LED primitives), JAMBU (with AES and SIMON primitives), and Ketje Jr.; as well as AES-GCM, are vulnerable to 1st order DPA. We then use threshold implementations to protect the above cipher implementations against 1st order DPA, and verify the effectiveness of countermeasures using the TVLA methodology. Finally, we compare the unprotected and protected cipher implementations in terms of area, performance (maximum frequency and throughput), throughput-to-area (TP/A) ratio, power, and energy per bit (E/bit). Our results show that ACORN consumes the lowest number of resources, has the highest TP/A ratio, and is the most energy-efficient of all DPA-resistant implementations. However, Ketje Jr. has the highest throughput.
机译:将机密性,完整性和身份验证的密码服务组合到一个算法构造中的经过身份验证的密码可以潜在地提高敏感数据处理的安全性和效率。但是,它们容易受到诸如差分功率分析(DPA)之类的侧信道攻击。尽管在采取对策后已使用测试向量泄漏评估(TVLA)方法来确认分组密码对DPA的抵抗力有所提高,但将TVLA扩展到经过身份验证的密码并非易事,因为经过身份验证的密码已扩展了输入和输出要求,复杂的接口和长测试向量,其中包括描述经过身份验证的密码操作所必需的协议。在这项研究中,我们升级了FOBOS测试体系结构,使其能够对认证的密码执行TVLA。我们展示了CAESAR第3轮候选ACORN,Ascon,CLOC(具有AES和TWINE原语),SILC(具有AES,PRESENT和LED原语),JAMBU(具有AES和SIMON原语)和Ketje Jr的FPGA实现。以及AES-GCM都容易受到一阶DPA的攻击。然后,我们使用阈值实现来保护上述密码实现免受一阶DPA的侵害,并使用TVLA方法论来验证对策的有效性。最后,我们在面积,性能(最大频率和吞吐量),吞吐量与面积(TP / A)比率,功率和每比特能量(E / bit)方面比较未受保护和受保护的密码实现。我们的结果表明,ACORN消耗最少的资源,具有最高的TP / A比,并且是所有抗DPA的实施中最节能的。但是,Ketje Jr.的吞吐量最高。



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