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Development of VLE Frog Website on Pre-Number Topic for Students with Learning Disability

机译:面向学习障碍学生的VLE Frog前置号码主题网站的开发



This study is intended to design, develop and evaluate teaching materials based on Frog Virtual Learning Environment (VLE Frog) for Mathematics subject on Pre-Number’s topic. The development of this website was based on the ADDIE framework and comprising five phases; analyse, design, development, implement and evaluation. “ Jom Belajar Matematik ” website was obtained using the VLE Frog platform. Feedback regarding the use of the website was obtained using questionnaires and interviews. Ten special education teachers completed the questionnaires in one of the schools in Sepang. The descriptive and inferential analysis was used to test the research questions using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22.0. The findings show that there are the overall mean s of presentation style and content and language are at a very high level, while the overall mean of interest of special education teachers of Mathematics subject in teaching and learning based on “ Jom Belajar Matematik ” is high. The finding also shows that there is a significant relationship between the levels of interest of Special Education teachers in one of the secondary school in Sepang district based on age. The VLE Frog website of “ Jom Belajar Matematik ” is accessible at any time, and it is free of charge, via https://bea9604.1bestarinet.net/iklilkamarulzaman .
机译:这项研究旨在设计,开发和评估基于Pre-Number主题的Frog虚拟学习环境(VLE Frog)的教材。该网站的开发基于ADDIE框架,分为五个阶段;分析,设计,开发,实施和评估。使用VLE Frog平台获得了“ Jom Belajar Matematik”网站。通过问卷调查和访谈获得有关网站使用的反馈。十名特殊教育老师在雪邦一所学校完成了问卷。描述性和推断性分析用于使用社会科学统计软件包(SPSS)22.0版来检验研究问题。研究结果表明,总体表现形式,内容和语言水平处于很高水平,而基于“ Jom Belajar Matematik”的数学专业特殊教育教师对教学的总体兴趣较高。 。调查结果还表明,雪邦区一所中学的特殊教育教师的兴趣水平之间存在显着的年龄关系。随时可以通过https://bea9604.1bestarinet.net/iklilkamarulzaman免费访问“ Jem Belajar Matematik”的VLE Frog网站。



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