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Integration: twelve propositions after Schinkel




By way of a commentary on Willem Schinkel’s ‘Against “immigrant integration”: For an end to neocolonial knowledge production’ in this volume, I propose twelve propositions in order to rethink the academic use of the concept “integration” in contemporary migration studies. The notion of “immigration integration” is deeply embedded in a methodological nationalism found throughout mainstream research and policy making on “immigration” that reproduces a colonial, nation-state centred vision of society sustained by global inequalities. The article broadly shares Schinkel’s arguments, while suggesting specific operationalisations which could advance a more autonomous social scientific understanding of how the categorisation of international migration and mobilities is used by nation-states to sustain particular orders and hierarchies of social power.
机译:通过对威廉·辛克尔(Willem Schinkel)的“反对“移民融合”:为了结束新殖民地知识生产”的评论,我提出了十二个命题,以重新考虑在当代移民研究中对“融合”概念的学术使用。在整个有关“移民”的主流研究和政策制定中发现的一种方法论民族主义,深深地植根于“移民融合”的概念,这种方法论再现了由殖民主义,民族国家为中心的,由全球不平等所维持的社会观。这篇文章广泛地分享了欣克尔的观点,同时提出了具体的操作方法,可以促进民族国家如何使用国际移徙和流动的分类来维持国际社会的特定秩序和等级制度,从而实现更加自治的社会科学理解。



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