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Safety and Efficacy Review: Lacosamide for the Treatment of Diabetic Neuropathic Pain




Objectives: To provide background information on diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain (DPNP), current treatment options for DPNP, and information about lacosamide. To determine the safety and efficacy of lacosamide as a treatment option for DPNP.Methods: A literature search was performed in order to describe DPNP, locate pertinent information about lacosamide, and determine the safety and efficacy of lacosamide for the treatment of DPNP in various trials. A search was also performed to review the effects of other medications on DPNP for the education of the reader as well as to make a comparison to lacosamide.Results: DPNP is a common occurrence in patients with diabetes. Options for the treatment of DPNP include anti-depressants, anti-convulsants, opiates, and other alternative medications. One of the most recently studied drugs for DPNP is lacosamide, an anti-convulsant usually prescribed for the adjunct treatment of partial onset seizures. Three RCTs using lacosamide and an extension to one of the trials was found and reviewed. Rauck et al found that lacosamide titrated up to 400 mg divided twice daily to treat DPNP caused 60% of patients to have a significant decrease of 3.11 on the Likert Pain Scale as compared to 50.8% of patients in the placebo group having a decrease of 2.21 on the Likert Pain Scale from the beginning of treatment until conclusion of the trial. Shaibani et al performed an extension to the trial performed by Rauck et al and determined that the effects of lacosamide used for DPNP were maintained over a 2.5 year period. Wymer et al reproduced the results of the study done by Rauck et al by using 200 mg, 400 mg, and 600 mg of lacosamide divided twice daily and comparing them to placebo to see the difference in the Likert Pain Scale scores from the beginning of the trial to conclusion of the trial. The Likert Pain Scale differences were 1.8, 1.9, 2.5, and 2.0 for the placebo, 200 mg, 400 mg, and 600 mg dosage groups, respectively. In the 400 mg lacosamide daily group, 58% of subjects experienced a significant decrease in the Likert Pain Scale score. The 200 mg and 600 mg dosage groups showed no difference in the Likert Pain Scale scores. Ziegler et al studied the changes in pain scores from baseline to the last four weeks of maintenance therapy using lacosamide 400 mg and 600 mg versus placebo. No significant changes were seen in either group. The 400 mg and 600 mg groups lowered the pain scores ?0.40 and ?0.36 points below placebo, respectively. However, when broken into sections, the trial did show significant changes in pain scores. There were no significant differences in adverse effects across all trials using the 400 mg dose of lacosamide. No trials were found that compared lacosamide to any other drug for the treatment of DPNP.Conclusion: Mixed results do show that lacosamide has the potential to effectively and safely lower pain scale scores in individuals with DPNP. However, due to a lack of consistent results and comparison studies with more established and accepted treatments, lacosamide cannot be recommended first line.
机译:目的:提供有关糖尿病周围神经性疼痛(DPNP)的背景信息,DPNP的当前治疗方案以及有关拉可酰胺的信息。方法:进行文献检索以描述DPNP,定位有关Lacosamide的相关信息,并确定Lacosamide治疗DPNP的安全性和有效性。 。还进行了搜索,以审查其他药物对DPNP的作用,以教育读者,并与拉考酰胺进行比较。结果:DPNP在糖尿病患者中很常见。 DPNP的治疗选择包括抗抑郁药,抗惊厥药,阿片类药物和其他替代药物。 DPNP的最新研究药物之一是拉可酰胺,一种通常在辅助治疗部分发作性癫痫中开出的抗惊厥药。找到并审查了三项使用拉考酰胺的随机对照试验,并扩展了其中一项试验。 Rauck等人发现,每天两次滴定至400 mg的拉考酰胺酰胺分两次治疗DPNP,可使60%的患者的Likert疼痛量表显着下降3.11,而安慰剂组的50.8%的患者则下降2.21。从治疗开始到试验结束,采用李克特疼痛量表。 Shaibani等人对Rauck等人进行的试验进行了扩展,并确定了用于DPNP的拉考沙胺的疗效可维持2.5年。 Wymer等人复制了Rauck等人所做的研究结果,方法是每天使用200 mg,400 mg和600 mg的拉考酰胺酰胺,每天两次,将其与安慰剂进行比较,以观察从开始时Likert疼痛量表得分的差异。从审判到审判结束。安慰剂,200 mg,400 mg和600 mg剂量组的Likert疼痛量表差异分别为1.8、1.9、2.5和2.0。在每天400 mg拉考酰胺治疗组中,58%的受试者的李克特疼痛量表评分显着下降。 200 mg和600 mg剂量组的Likert疼痛量表评分无差异。 Ziegler等人研究了从基线到维持治疗的最后四个星期(使用拉考沙胺400 mg和600 mg与安慰剂相比)的疼痛评分变化。两组均未见明显变化。 400 mg和600 mg组的疼痛评分分别比安慰剂低0.40和0.36点。但是,将试验分为几部分时,疼痛评分确实发生了显着变化。使用400 mg拉考沙胺的所有试验在不良反应方面无显着差异。没有试验可将拉考沙胺与其他任何药物用于DPNP的治疗进行比较。结论:混合结果确实表明,拉考沙胺有可能有效安全地降低DPNP患者的疼痛评分。但是,由于缺乏一致的结果以及与更成熟和接受的治疗方法进行的比较研究,因此不能推荐使用拉考酰胺作为一线治疗药物。



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