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The Nordic maintenance care program: what is maintenance care? Interview based survey of Danish chiropractors




Objective To describe and interpret Danish Chiropractors’ perspectives regarding the purpose and rationale for using MC (maintenance care), its content, course and patient characteristics. Methods Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 10 chiropractors identified using a stratified, theoretical sampling framework. Interviews covered four domains relating to MC, namely: purpose, patient characteristics, content, and course and development. Data was analysed thematically. Results Practitioners regard MC primarily as a means of providing secondary or tertiary care and they primarily recommend it to patients with a history of recurrence. Initiating MC is often a shared decision between clinician and patient. The core elements of MC are examination and manipulation, but exercise and general lifestyle advice are often included. Typically, treatment intervals lie between 2 and 4?months. Clinician MC practices seem to evolve over time and are informed by individual practice experiences. Chiropractors are more likely to offer MC to patients whose complaints include a significant muscular component. Furthermore, a successful transition to MC appears dependent on correctly matching complaint with management. A positive relationship between chiropractor and patient facilitates the initiation of MC. Finally; MC appears grounded in a patient-oriented approach to care rather than a market-oriented one. Conclusion MC is perceived as both a secondary and tertiary preventative measure and its practice appears grounded in the tenet of patient-oriented care. A positive personal relationship between chiropractor and patient facilitates the initiation of MC. The results from this and previous studies should be considered in the design of studies of efficacy.
机译:目的描述和解释丹麦脊医关于使用MC(维护护理)的目的和理由,其内容,疗程和患者特征的观点。方法采用分层的理论抽样框架,对10名脊医进行半结构式访谈。访谈涵盖了与MC相关的四个领域,即:目的,患者特征,内容以及病程和发展。对数据进行了专题分析。结果从业者认为MC主要是提供二级或三级护理的一种手段,主要推荐给有复发史的患者。启动MC通常是临床医生和患者之间的共同决定。 MC的核心要素是检查和操作,但通常包括运动和一般的生活方式建议。通常,治疗间隔为2到4个月。临床医师的MC练习似乎随着时间的推移而发展,并且会根据个人的实践经验来提供指导。脊医更有可能为抱怨包括明显的肌肉成分的患者提供MC。此外,成功过渡到MC似乎取决于投诉与管理层的正确匹配。脊医与患者之间的正向关系促进了MC的发作。最后; MC似乎是基于以患者为导向的护理方法,而不是以市场为导向的方法。结论MC被认为是二级和三级预防措施,其实践根植于以患者为中心的护理宗旨。脊医与患者之间的积极人际关系有助于开始MC。在进行功效研究时,应考虑本研究和以前的研究结果。



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