首页> 外文期刊>Business and Management Review >Pengaruh Kompensasi Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja pada Karyawan yang dialihdayakan (Studi kasus pada PT. Bakrie Telecom, Tbk)

Pengaruh Kompensasi Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja pada Karyawan yang dialihdayakan (Studi kasus pada PT. Bakrie Telecom, Tbk)

机译:薪酬对外包员工的工作满意度的影响(案例研究,PT。Bakrie Telecom,Tbk)



Employee satisfaction is important for a company in creating employment viability, regardless of the type of work. One effort to create high satisfaction of employment is to provide adequate compensation for employees . Lately companies that use outsourced workers or employees who are outsourcing more and more prevalent and it is a challenge for corporate users of outsourcing employees to realize the employee job satisfaction, one way is to provide appropriate compensation . Their are two forms of compensation , direct compensation s and indirect compensation s , direct compensation s are namely salary, incentive and bonus compensation s while indirect compensation s consists of health support , safety support , holiday allowances, and employee welfare facilities. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of compensation given to outsourced employees at PT . Bakrie Telecom, to find out the level of employment satisfaction of outsourced employees, to know the influence of compensation towards employment satisfaction, and the types of employee compensation that have a significant influence on employment satisfaction. This research is uses a descriptive analysis, the variables used in this research are; direct compensation (X1), indirect compensation (X2) and empoyment satisfaction (Y) As for the sample s taken for this reasearch consist of 50 respondents. The sampling method used for this reasearch is probability sampling . Based on the calculation the hypothesis test showed that the partial direct compensation variable (X1) adversely affect the Employee Satisfaction variable (Y) and indirect compensation variable (X2 ) has a positive effect on Employment satisfaction variable (Y). T he results of the analysis uses a multiple linear R egression method where the R-square obtained is at 0.548. While the variable that has the most significant influence is Indirect Compensation variable, with a value of B (beta) at 0. 582 . Keywords: Direct Compensation, Indirect Compensation, Job satisfaction
机译:不论工作类型如何,员工满意度对于公司创造就业生存能力都很重要。创造高就业满意度的一种努力是为雇员提供足够的报酬。最近,使用外包工人或外包的员工越来越普遍的公司,外包员工的企业用户要实现员工的工作满意度是一项挑战,一种方法是提供适当的薪酬。它们有两种补偿形式,直接补偿s和间接补偿s,直接补偿s是工资,激励和奖金补偿s,间接补偿s包括健康支持,安全支持,假期津贴和员工福利设施。本研究的目的是确定对PT外包雇员的薪酬实施情况。 Bakrie Telecom找出外包员工的工作满意度,了解薪酬对工作满意度的影响以及对工作满意度有重大影响的员工薪酬的类型。本研究采用描述性分析,本研究使用的变量为:直接补偿(X1),间接补偿(X2)和工作满意度(Y)。本研究的样本s由50名受访者组成。用于此研究的抽样方法是概率抽样。基于计算的假设检验表明,部分直接薪酬变量(X1)对员工满意度变量(Y)有不利影响,而间接薪酬变量(X2)对就业满意度变量(Y)有积极影响。分析结果使用多元线性R回归方法,其中R平方为0.548。影响最大的变量是间接补偿变量,其B(beta)值为0. 582。关键字:直接薪酬,间接薪酬,工作满意度



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