首页> 外文期刊>British journal of clinical pharmacology >The effect of ketoconazole on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of inhaled fluticasone furoate and vilanterol trifenatate in healthy subjects

The effect of ketoconazole on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of inhaled fluticasone furoate and vilanterol trifenatate in healthy subjects




To investigate the effects of the cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) inhibitor ketoconazole on the pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics of fluticasone furoate (FF) and vilanterol trifenatate (VI).MethodsTwo double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, two-way crossover studies in healthy subjects. In study 1, subjects received single doses of ketoconazole (400?mg) or placebo on days 1–6, with a single dose of inhaled VI (25?μg) on day 5. Pharmacodynamic and PK data were obtained up to 48?h following the VI dose. In study 2, subjects received once daily ketoconazole (400?mg) or placebo for 11 days, with FF/VI (200/25?μg) for the final 7 days. Pharmacodynamic and PK data were obtained up to 48?h following the day 11 dose.ResultsIn study 1, there was no effect of co-administration of ketoconazole and VI on pharmacodynamic or PK parameters. In study 2, co-administration of ketoconazole and FF/VI had no effect on 0–4?h maximal heart rate or minimal blood potassium {treatment difference [90% confidence interval (CI)] –0.6 beats?min–1 (?5.8, 4.5) and 0.04?mmol?l?1 (?0.03, 0.11), respectively}, whilst there was a 27% decrease in 24?h weighted mean serum cortisol [treatment ratio (90% CI) 0.73 (0.62, 0.86)]. Co-administration of ketoconazole increased [percentage change (90% CI)] FF area under the curve (0-24) and maximal plasma concentration by 36% (16, 59) and 33% (12, 58), respectively, and VI area under the curve (0–t′) and maximal plasma concentration by 65% (38, 97) and 22% (8, 38), respectively.ConclusionCo-administration of FF/VI or VI with ketoconazole resulted in a less than twofold increase in systemic exposure to FF and VI. There was no increase in β-agonist systemic pharmacodynamic effects, while serum cortisol was decreased by 27%. Co-administration of FF/VI with strong CYP3A4 inhibitors has the potential to increase systemic exposure to both fluticasone furoate and vilanterol, which could lead to an increase in the potential for adverse reactions.
机译:目的研究细胞色素P450 3A4(CYP3A4)抑制剂酮康唑对糠酸氟替卡松(FF)和维兰特罗三氟酸酯(VI)的药代动力学(PK)和药效学的影响。方法两个双盲,随机,安慰剂对照,双向交叉在健康受试者中进行研究。在研究1中,受试者在第1-6天接受了单剂量的酮康唑(400?mg)或安慰剂,在第5天接受了单剂量的吸入VI(25?μg),在48?h内获得了药效学和PK数据跟随VI剂量。在研究2中,受试者每天接受一次酮康唑(400?mg)或安慰剂治疗11天,最后7天接受FF / VI(200/25?g)。在第11天给药后第48h时获得药效学和PK数据。结果在研究1中,酮康唑和VI的共同给药对药效学或PK参数没有影响。在研究2中,酮康唑和FF / VI的共同给药对最大心率或最小血钾0–4?h无影响{治疗差异[90%置信区间(CI)] –0.6次/分钟 – 1 (?5.8,4.5)和0.04?mmol?l ?1 (?0.03,0.11)}},而24?h加权平均血清下降了27%皮质醇[治疗率(90%CI)0.73(0.62,0.86)]。酮康唑的共同给药可增加[百分比变化(90%CI)]曲线下的FF面积(0-24),最大血浆浓度分别增加36%(16,59)和33%(12,58)和VI曲线下面积(0–t')和最大血浆浓度分别降低了65%(38,97)和22%(8,38)。结论FF / VI或VI与酮康唑的并用导致不足两倍FF和VI的全身暴露增加。 β-激动剂的全身药效没有增加,而血清皮质醇却降低了27%。 FF / VI与强效CYP3A4抑制剂的共同给药可能增加氟替卡松糠酸酯和维兰特罗的全身暴露,这可能导致不良反应的可能性增加。



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