首页> 外文期刊>British Journal of Applied Science and Technology >On-Farm Evaluation of Trichoderma asperellumon the Suppression of Phytophthora megakaryaCausing Pod Rot of Theobromae cacaoin Nigeria

On-Farm Evaluation of Trichoderma asperellumon the Suppression of Phytophthora megakaryaCausing Pod Rot of Theobromae cacaoin Nigeria




Aims: The study examines the inclusion of biological control hitherto neglected, as part of the IPM strategies in a farmer participatory approach. Study Design: The experimental plots were set up within a completely randomized block experimental design with 3 replicates. Place and Duration of Study: The field trials were carried out in 2009 at Iloro-Idanre, Owode, Khalime and Bendeghe communities in the South -West and South - South of Nigeria. Methodology: The bio-control agents used (Trichoderma) was isolated from the leaves of cacao tree and natural forest reserve soils in Ibadan, Nigeria, the culture was stored and maintained in sterile distilled water on small plugs of modified potato dextrose agar.Five Treatments: Funguran OH, Trichoderma, Funguran OH (1) + +Trichoderma (5) times, Funguran OH (2) +Trichoderma (4) and Sterile distilled water were applied. Disease incidence ratings were taken after the each application till the end of the trial. Data were taken on number of pod and cherelles production, while number of damaged and Phytophthora pod rot were taken as total pod loss on each tree in each plot. Results: The pod productions in all the treatments differ significantly from the untreated control, likewise are the number of cherelles production in the treatments as well as the percent of Phytophthora pod rot incidence obtained from Iloro-Idanre. Both the number of pod production and cherelles production differ significantly in all the treatments and compare to the control. However, the pod production was highest (328) in trees treated with funguran application and the least percent (6.9%) of Phytophthora pod incidence was recorded in the same followed by that of Trichoderma and funguran combination and Trichoderma alone respectively in Khalime. The pod production in Trichoderma and untreated control do not differ significantly in Owode community though both differ significantly from other treatments. However, cherelles production of 111 cherelles was also highest in the untreated control but least in funguran treatment (37.0). Conclusion: Combination of spraying application of Trichoderma with copper based fungicides will drastically reduce the rate of application thereby lower the cost of fungicides incurred on disease control. Highest percentage incidence of black pod disease was however observed in the unsprayed control.
机译:目的:该研究探讨了迄今为止被忽略的生物防治方法,作为农民参与式方法中病虫害综合防治战略的一部分。研究设计:实验地块是在完全随机的实验设计组中建立的,重复了3次。研究的地点和持续时间:现场试验于2009年在尼日利亚西南和南部的Iloro-Idanre,Owode,Khalime和Bendeghe社区进行。方法:从尼日利亚可可树的叶子和天然森林保护区土壤中分离出所用的生物控制剂(木霉),将培养物储存在无菌蒸馏水中,并在小瓶改良的马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂上无菌保存。五种处理方法:使用Funguran OH,木霉,Funguran OH(1)+ +木霉(5)次,Funguran OH(2)+ Trichoderma(4)和无菌蒸馏水。在每次应用后直至试验结束时,对疾病发病率进行评估。采集了豆荚和的产量数据,而每个样地中每棵树上的受损荚果和疫霉荚腐烂的数量则作为总荚果损失。结果:所有处理中的豆荚产量均与未处理的对照显着不同,处理中的小毛虫产量以及从Iloro-Idanre获得的疫霉菌荚腐烂的百分率也是如此。在所有处理中,豆荚产量和黑樱桃产量均显着不同,并且与对照相比。然而,在使用真菌消毒的树木中,豆荚的产量最高(328),而疫霉菌荚的发病率百分比最低(6.9%),其次是哈利姆木霉和真菌组合以及单独的木霉。木霉属的豆荚产量和未经处理的对照在Owode社区中没有显着差异,尽管两者均与其他处理有显着差异。然而,未经处理的对照中的黑麦产量为111黑麦,也最高,但在真菌处理中最低(37.0)。结论:将木霉与铜基杀菌剂一起喷洒可大大降低施用率,从而降低疾病控制中杀菌剂的成本。然而,在未喷雾的对照中观察到最高的黑荚病发病率。



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